(캄보디아) 캄보디아에서 사업과 투자 고려하는 투자자 필독사항: 글로벌 윗니스가 밝힌 훈센일가의 부정부패
Press release / July 7, 2016
Report exposes corrupt family’s links to international brands including Apple, Visa and Procter & Gamble
A major investigation by Global Witness has revealed how Cambodia’s ruling family are pulling the strings on Cambodia’s economy and amassing vast personal fortunes with extreme consequences for the population. The report, Hostile Takeover, sheds light on a huge network of secret deal-making and corruption that has underpinned Hun Sen’s 30-year dictatorial reign of murder, torture and the imprisonment of his political opponents. (1) (pull the strings on: ~에 줄을 걸어 끌어당기다, 즉 훼손하다, 흠집을 내다) (underpin: 뒷바침하다, 지지대 역할을 하다)
Using company ownership data that the government has restricted access to (2), Global Witness shows how members of the Hun family own or part-control companies with listed capital of more than US$ 200 million. These span most major sectors of the economy, with links to international brands such as Apple, Visa, Procter & Gamble, Tommy Hilfiger and Polo Ralph Lauren. 훈센의 식구들이 소유하고 있거나 부분적으로 영향력을 행사하는 기업들의 자산은 2억달러, 한화로 2천억원 이상. (span: 걸치다, 포괄하다)
This is undoubtedly just a fraction of the true value of the family’s business holdings – they are said to obscure their commercial interests behind fake names and within shell companies. The Hun family includes members once implicated in a $1 billion heroin smuggling operation, shoot-outs, a fatal hit-and-run, and land grabs that have caused mass displacements and destitution among Cambodia’s rural poor. (fraction: 일부, 부분) (obscure: 잘 알아듣지 못하게 모호하게 하다) (shell company: 자산이나 사업활동이 없는 명의 뿐인 회사. 일종의 페이퍼 컴퍼니. 서류상으로만 존재하는 회사) (shoot-out: 총격전) (hit-and-run: 뺑소니, 기습전)
The report should serve as a warning to the US investors. The US is Cambodia’s biggest trading partner, receiving a third of Cambodian exports worth almost US$3 billion a year. 캄보디아 수출의 3분의 1이 미국으로, 액수로는 연간 30억달러 미국에 수출.
“These revelations point to a cruel irony of Hun Sen’s model of dictatorship – his family has Cambodia’s economy so sewn up that Phnom Penh residents are likely to struggle to avoid lining the pockets of their oppressors multiple times a day,” said Patrick Alley, Co-Founder of Global Witness. “Foreign investors, on the other hand, can and should opt out of bankrolling a regime that kills, intimidates or locks up its critics.” (sew up: 꿰매다. 지배권을 쥐다) (line the pockets of: ~의 주머니를 채워주다)
Hostile Takeover shows that the premier’s family has been key to the longevity of his political career. They hold key posts in politics, the military, police, media, and charities - sectors that prop up Hun Sen’s party through propaganda, political donations or brute force. 훈센 가족들이 정치, 군대, 언론, 자선기관 등을 장악하고 자신의 당인 캄보디아국민당 홍보함. (prop up: 떠받치다) (brute force: 사나운 힘, 폭력)
The domestic companies they are affiliated to have been accused of a litany of abuses, including the theft of land and natural resources, violence and intimidation against local populations and environmental devastation. (a litany of: 장황한. litany는 가톨릭의 상당히 긴 성인호칭기도임.)
Among the most egregious examples is an agriculture company accused of using arson attacks and cobras to evict people from their homes. This has been filed as one of a huge dossier of cases at the International Criminal Court, as evidence that Cambodia’s ruling elite has committed land grabbing at such scale that it amounts to crimes against humanity. (egregious: 지독한, 어처구니없는) (arson: 방화) (evict: 쫓아내다, 퇴거시키다) (dossier: 서류 자료의 일체) (amount to: ~에 이르다)
Global Witness was unable to find a single case where a member of the Hun family has been prosecuted or held to account for their part in any alleged wrongdoing. 훈센 가족들 중 어느 누구도 저지른 불법에 대해 처벌 받은 사례를 단 한 건도 없음.
Meanwhile, Hun Sen is proactively courting investors from overseas, promoting Cambodia as an attractive investment destination with very little regulatory red tape and a cheap labour force. (red tape: 관공서의 불필요한 요식행위)
“Global Witness paints a vivid picture of the winners and losers of foreign investment in Cambodia,” said Stephen Peel, a former senior partner at private equity firm TPG Capital and member of the Global Witness board. “Doing business with companies that are owned or controlled by the country’s ruling family not only raises ethical questions, it also carries significant legal, financial and reputational risk. It is in everyone’s best interests for investors in Cambodia to carry out careful checks to ensure that their money isn’t being funnelled into Hun Sen’s campaign of oppression.” (3) 캄보디아에서 훈센의 가족들이 소유하거나 부분적으로 영향력을 행사하는 기업들과 거래할 때 발생하는 문제: 1) 윤리문제. 2) 법적 문제. 3) 재정 문제. 4) 투자자의 명성에 흠집이 될 수 있음.
Key recommendations 중요한 권고사항
Foreign governments: 각국 정부들에게
- Warn home country investors about the high risks of becoming embroiled in corruption when investing in Cambodia. 캄보디아에 투자할 때 부패에 휘말릴 위험성이 높다는 점을 각국 정부는 자국의 투자자들에게 경고하라.
- Advise home country investors to conduct stringent due diligence to ensure that they are not entering commercial relationships with business or political elites with a history of corruption allegations or their family members. 각국정부는 부패 전력이 있는 정치엘리트나 훈센 가족들과 상업거래를 하지 않도록 자국의 투자자들에게 조언하라. (stringent: 엄중한, 긴박한) (due diligence: 상당한 주의)
Companies and investors with/ considering investments in Cambodia: 캄보디아에 투자를 고려하고 있는 기업들과 투자자들에게
- Conduct stringent due diligence on their investments to ascertain whether there are links to business or political elites (including all Politically Exposed Persons) with a history of corruption allegations, or their family members, be that via formal partnerships, franchising, through supply chains, exclusive distribution deals or even loose client relationships. 훈센의 가족을 포함해, 부패혐의의 전력이 있는 비지니스나 정치엘리트들과 연관이 있는지 사실을 반드시 확인하라. (ascertain: 정보나 사실을 알아내다)
- Where these links exist, exit the business relationship as soon as possible. If evidence of involvement in corruption is uncovered through the due diligence process then companies and investors should self-report the findings to all relevant authorities that have legal jurisdiction. 이런 부패연관성이 있다는 걸 알게 되면, 그 즉시 비지니스 관계를 청산하라. 부패에 관련된 증거가 엄중한 주의를 통해 밝혀지면, 기업들과 투자자들은 사법관할지역의 모든 관계당국에 발견한 사항을 신고해야 한다. (legal jurisdiction: 사법관할지역)
For interviews, briefings and other information please contact:
Patrick Alley +44 (0)20 7492 5887 palley@globalwitness.org
Alice Harrison +44 (0)7841 338792 aharrison@globalwitness.org
Editors’ notes
(1) Global Witness wrote to Prime Minister Hun Sen, 26 members of his family and 42 of the companies they are affiliated to, offering them an opportunity to respond to our allegations. Six companies replied, as well as Sok Puthyvuth, one of Hun Sen’s sons-in-law. Their responses are contained in Hostile Takeover.
(2) The company registration data that informed this report was originally taken from the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce’s corporate registry, which the government has since restricted access to. Global Witness has used this data to create Cambodia Corporates - a publically accessible, fully-searchable and secure database that it is launching alongside this report. This will enable investors, journalists and citizens to find out who owns, controls or has major stakes in companies in Cambodia:www.cambodiacorporates.globalwitness.org.
(3) References for the statements made in this press release can be found in the full report Hostile Takeover: The corporate empire of Cambodia’s ruling family on the Global Witness website.