(환경) 영공 보호구역 야생 보호과학과 테크놀로지/환경 2015. 5. 1. 23:29
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-32536907
1 May 2015
'Airspace reserves' could protect wildlife '영공 보호구역' 야생 보호
There is a growing conflict between animals and humans in the air 인간과 동물 사이의 갈등이 하늘에서 점점 커지고 있다
"Airspace reserves" should be created to protect wildlife, scientists say. "영공 보호구역"은 야생을 보호하기 위해 만들어져야 한다고, 과학자들은 말한다.
They warn that growing numbers of skyscrapers, wind turbines, power lines, planes and drones are threatening billions of flying animals. 고층건물, 풍력발전용 터빈, 송전선, 비행기, 무인기 등이 수 많은 새들을 위협하고 있다고 과학자들이 경고한다.
Researchers in Argentina and Wales have called for airspace zones where human activity is partially or totally restricted to reduce the aerial conflict. 아르젠티나와 웨일즈의 연구자들은 하늘에서 (인간과 조류의) 충돌을 줄이기 위해 인간의 활동이 부분적으로 혹은 전적으로 제한되는 영공보호구역의 설정이 필요하다고 역설했다.
The report is published in the journal Science. 보고서는 저널 과학에 발표되었다.
Sergio Lambertucci, from the University of Comahue and the Argentina Research Council (Conicet), said: "Most of the conservation in reserves and national parks is mainly focussed on the ground or more recently on water. None of them have focussed on the airspace."
Human cost
The skies are becoming increasingly crowded.
Scientists estimate that millions of animals die each year from collisions with tall buildings, power lines and wind turbines.
But the aerial conflict can cause problems for humans too.
The research team, also from Swansea University in Wales, says that bird strikes with planes have killed more than 200 people globally and have damaged thousands of planes.
The impact of drones is yet to be assessed, but the researchers fear they could be a growing problem.
The scientists say that areas of pristine airspace should be created.
These could be temporary zones, for example to help protect birds on their seasonal migrations, or more permanent areas, put in place over key habitats.
The scientists add that the impact on wildlife needs to be taken into account in the planning stages of major construction projects.
Dr Lambertucci said: "If you know all the species that use that area before you build an airport or a building or a wind farm, you will probably be able to reduce a lot of the conflicts."
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