(유럽) 금년 노벨평화상 수상자는 반성폭력활동가 나디아 무랏 그리고 데니스 무케게국제문제/유럽 2018. 10. 15. 17:30
URL: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45759221 Nobel Peace Prize for anti-rape activists Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege5 October 2018 Ms Murad and Dr Mukwege made a "crucial contribution" to fighting violence against women 두 사람은 여성에 대한 폭력과 싸움에 "중요한 공헌"을 하였다.The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize has gone to campaigners against rape in wa..
(유럽/영국) BBC: 파라다이스 페이퍼/세계최상위부자들의 조세회피국제문제/유럽 2017. 11. 6. 22:15
** 파나마 페이퍼에 대한 한글 기사 ** 한겨레: http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/international/international_general/817620.html 허핑톤포스트: http://www.huffingtonpost.kr/2017/11/06/story_n_18474728.html 뉴스타파: http://newstapa.org/42214 출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-41876942 Paradise Papers: Tax haven secrets of ultra-rich exposedBy Paradise Papers re..
(유럽) 유럽의 밀려드는 난민 문제국제문제/유럽 2017. 7. 8. 20:11
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40505337 Migrant crisis: 'Hipster right’ group trying to stop rescue shipsBy Yalda HakimBBC News, Sicily8 July 2017 From the sectionEurope More than 80,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean to Italy this year They call themselves Generation Identity. Made up of mainly 20-something tech-savvy members, the Identitarian movemen..
(유럽) G-20을 반대하는 사람들은 누구인가?국제문제/유럽 2017. 7. 8. 20:07
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40534768 G20 in Hamburg: Who are the protesters?7 July 2017 From the sectionEurope Protesters are a common sight at G20 summits The pictures of protesters clashing with police in Hamburg made front pages around the world. But what are they protesting about? According to Fox News' Eric Bolling, the protesters "are angry that America ..
(유럽) 런던 아파트 화재 (2)국제문제/유럽 2017. 6. 16. 17:00
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-40272168 London fire: What we know so far about Grenfell Tower15 June 2017 From the sectionLondon Seventeen people have died and 17 people are in critical care after a huge fire engulfed a west London tower block in the early hours of Wednesday. Rescuers say they do not expect to find anyone else alive. What happened?The fire w..
(유럽) 런던 아파트 화재 (1)국제문제/유럽 2017. 6. 16. 10:15
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-40280169 London fire: Twelve dead in Grenfell Tower blaze (blaze: 불꽃, 대형화재, 활활타다)15 June 2017 From the sectionUK Twelve people have died in a west London tower block fire and the number of deaths is expected to rise, police have said. (tower block: 고층건물, 관) Firefighters rescued 65 people from Grenfell Tower in no..
(유럽/영국) 런던 테러: 데레사 메이曰 더 이상 좌시하지 않겠다.국제문제/유럽 2017. 6. 4. 22:33
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-40148737 London attack: Theresa May says enough is enough after seven die (Enough is enough: 더 이상은 안 된다, 계속 이대로 내버려둘 수 없다.)1 hour ago From the sectionUK Watch: How the attack unfolded The prime minister has said "it is time to say enough is enough" as she condemned a terror attack on "innocent and unarmed..