- 27 February 2016
- China
(미국) 장 카이가 중국국영 TV에서 고백하자 미국이 맹비난국제문제/북미 2016. 2. 29. 23:10
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-35676223
US condemns Zhang Kai 'confession' on Chinese state TV
Mr Zhang was aiding Christians opposing government orders to remove crosses from buildings 장(張)은 교회당에서 십자가를 떼어내라는 정부의 명령에 반기를 든 신도들을 돕고 있었다. The US says a purported confession from a prominent Chinese lawyer on state television runs counter to the rule of law. 명망있는 중국 변호사가 말하는 장카이가 TV에 나와 고백했다는 주장은 법규에 어긋난다고 미국은 주장한다.
Zhang Kai admitted to various crimes including disturbing social order in a broadcast on Thursday.
He has been helping defend Christians resisting government orders to remove crosses from buildings.
China says it guarantees religious freedom but there are concerns about a crackdown on Christian activities.
On Friday a pastor was jailed for refusing to remove a cross from his church's roof.
The authorities have justified the tearing down of crosses by saying they break planning rules.
Zhang Kai was arrested last year shortly before a planned meeting with the US envoy on religious freedoms.
In the broadcast, Mr Zhang said he had assisted the Christians because he wanted wealth and fame.
"I really regret doing these things, I feel very remorseful," he said.
"These things violated China's law and violated my personal integrity as a lawyer, and they harmed societal structure and national security."
China frequently airs confessions from high-profile suspects on television.
Condemning the broadcast, a US State Department spokesman said "such confessions are counter to the standards of a rule of law.
"We urge China to release Zhang and others detained for seeking to peacefully uphold the freedom of religion guaranteed in China's constitution."
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