- 21 April 2016
- Asia
(아시아/파키스탄) 파키스탄 부패연루 장성들 목을 치다국제문제/아시아 2016. 4. 24. 11:51
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-36099794
Pakistan army sacks six senior officers amid corruption claims (sack: 파면 해임하다)
At least six high-ranking Pakistani army officers, including a lieutenant-general and major-general, have been sacked amid corruption allegations. (lieutenant-general: 중장) (major-general: 소장) (corruption allegations: 부패 혐의/의혹)
The unprecedented move comes two days after the head of the army, Gen Raheel Sharif, said corruption had to be uprooted to fight terrorism.
An initial army statement that said 11 officers had been dismissed has now been retracted. (dismiss: 묵살하다. 해고/파면되다. 해산하다)
Details of the allegations against the officers were not immediately released.
Observers say the timing of the announcement and the remarks by Gen Sharif are designed to put pressure on the government. 부패 장성들에 대한 파면은 군부의 정부 내 부패 혐의를 받고 있는 총리에 대한 압박의 조치로 보임.
Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is still dealing with controversy at home after details of his family's offshore assets were revealed in the so-called Panama Papers. (controversy: 논란)
Analysis: BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad
Military officials insist that accountability within the forces is an ongoing process, though often kept secret for reasons of morale. But this time there has been what looks like a deliberate leak. (accountability: 책임) (morale: 사기) (deliberate: 신중한, 고의적인, 의도적인)
It is not known when the officers were sacked, but the disclosure has come at a time when Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is battling a crisis of legitimacy after the Panama Papers leaks revealed that his family held foreign assets in the names of offshore companies. (legitimacy: 합법성, 정당성)
The timing of the disclosure is significant. It will not only increase pressure on Mr Sharif, but also deflect muted but growing references to corruption within the military, which many believe runs deeper than it seems.
They say that while the military's internal systems work as a well-oiled machine, audit rules often crumble when it comes to the accounting of procurement and supplies. There have also been long-standing allegations that senior officials controlling border posts have been protecting smugglers. (procurement: 조달) (supplies: 군수물자)
And questions have been raised over the use of unaudited funds that until recently flowed to various militant networks through military agencies, though the agencies have often denied such a role. (unaudited: 회계감사 받지 않은)
** 기사에 대한 소감 **
1. 파키스탄이 부패연루 고위 장교들의 모가지를 친다는 얘기를 보면서 우리는 어떤가 하는 생각이 든다.
2. 파나마 페이퍼 컴퍼니에 재산에 빼돌린 수상에 대한 압박용으로 군부가 고위 장성에 대한 부패문제를 처리한다는 정치적 의도도 있는 거 같다.
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