- 27 April 2016
- India
(아시아/인디아) 인디아 성평등 문제로 장례 방식으로 데모국제문제/아시아 2016. 4. 28. 10:57
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-36147350
Burial protest over gender equality at Kumbh Mela festival
A female Hindu religious leader has staged a "burial" protest at India's Kumbh Mela festival after her all-woman group was denied permission to bathe in holy waters. (stage a protest: 시위를 벌이다) 시위의 원인: 여성들도 남성들처럼 거룩한 물(갠지스 江)에서 몸을 씻는 예식을 거행할 수 있게 허락해달라는 요청이 거부당함.
Trikal Bhawanta, founder of the Pari Akhara, wanted to take the waters at the world's largest religious festival.
India has 13 widely recognised "akhara" groups, all led by men, many of whom dispute her group's legitimacy.
Equality at Hindu religious sites is an increasingly contentious issue. (contentious: 논란이 많은 = controversial)
In Tuesday's protest, Ms Bhwanta sat in a deep grave dug by her group's female "sadhus", or holy women, while followers threw petals and dirt onto her, until police and local officials ended the protest. (petal: 발음 "패틀" 꽃잎) (dirt: 먼지, 흙. 여기선 흙)
Ms Bhwanta formed her akhara - a group of wandering sadhus who renounce normal life and are respected for their holiness - in 2000. It is thought to be the first such all-female group.
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