
  • (건강) 영국은 대마초의 의료목적 사용을 합볍화 하려는 움직임
    아름다운 인생/건강 2016. 9. 23. 20:49

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-37336678

    MPs call for medical cannabis to be made legal 영국은 대마초의 의료목적 사용을 합법화하려는 움직임 (cannabis: 대마초)

    • 13 September 2016
    • From the sectionHealth

    doctor holding a sample of cannabisImage copyrightTHINKSTOCK

    Taking cannabis for medical reasons should be made legal, says a cross-party group of UK politicians. 대마초의 의료 목적 사용은 합법화 되어야 한다.

    The All Party Parliamentary Group on Drug Policy Reform says there is clear evidence cannabis could have a therapeutic role for some conditions, including chronic pain and anxiety. 대마초에는 만성통증이나 불안과 같은 증상을 치료하는 치유적 성격을 갖고 있다. (The All Party Parliamentary Group: 초당파 교섭단체)

    It says tens of thousands of people in the UK already break the law to use the drug for symptom relief. 영국의 경우 이미 수만명이 증상완화를 위해 대마초를 사용함으로써 법을 위반하고 있다

    But the Home Office says there are no plans to legalise the "harmful drug." 그러나 합법화할 계획은 아직 없다.

    Plant cannabis contains more than 60 chemicals. 대마초란 식물은 60가지 이상의 화학물질을 지님.

    The All Party Parliamentary Group wants the Home Office to reclassify herbal cannabis under existing drug laws, from schedule one to schedule four.

    This would put it in the same category as steroids and sedatives and mean doctors could prescribe cannabis to patients, and chemists could dispense it.

    Patients might even be allowed to grow limited amounts of cannabis for their own consumption.

    Cannabis plantImage copyrightSPL

    People with multiple sclerosis can legally take a cannabis-based medicine. 다발성 경화증을 앓고 있는 환자들은 대마초 성분이 들어간 약을 합법적으로 이용할 수 있다.

    This licensed medicine, called Sativex, is a mouth spray and contains two chemical extracts (THC and CBD) derived from the cannabis plant.

    Under current laws in England and Wales, cannabis is not recognised as having any therapeutic value and anyone using the drug, even for medical reasons, could be charged for possession.

    The NHS warns that cannabis use carries a number of risks, such as impairing the ability to drive, as well as causing harm to lungs if smoked and harm to mental health, fertility or unborn babies. 영국국민의료보험(NHS: National Health Service)의 경고: 대마초는 많은 위험을 초래한다. 이 점이 대마초를 불법화한 이유. 그러나 동시에 대마초는 많은 의료적 기능이 있다.

    The All Party Parliamentary Group on Drug Policy Reform took evidence from 623 patients, representatives of the medical professions and people with knowledge of how medical cannabis was regulated across the world.

    Medicinal cannabis use


    average age of patient


    try conventional medicines first

    • 37% don't tell their doctor

    • 72% buy street cannabis

    • 20% grow their own

    Risks and benefits

    Co-chair Baroness Molly Meacher said: "Cannabis works as a medicine for a number of medical conditions.

    "The evidence has been strong enough to persuade a growing number of countries and US states to legalise access to medical cannabis.

    "Against this background, the UK scheduling of cannabis as a substance that has no medical value is irrational."

    The group commissioned a report by an expert in rehabilitation medicine, Prof Mike Barnes, which found good evidence that medical cannabis helps alleviate the symptoms of: 대마초가 완화하는 증상(큰 효과): (alleviate: 증상을 완화하다)

    • chronic pain (including neuropathic pain) (신경병성 통증을 포함하는) 만성통증 (neuropathic 신경병의)
    • spasticity (often associated with Multiple Sclerosis) (흔히 다발성 경화증과 연관된) 뇌성마비 (spasticity: 경직, 뇌성마비) (Multiple Sclerosis: 다발성 경화증)
    • nausea and vomiting, particularly in the context of chemotherapy 특히 화학요법의 경우에 동반되는 멀미/메스꺼움와 구토 (chemotherapy: )
    • anxiety 불안

    And there was moderate evidence that it could help with: (보통 효과)

    • sleep disorders 수면 장애
    • poor appetite 식욕 부진
    • fibromyalgia 섬유근통 (fibromyalgia: 섬유근통)
    • post-traumatic stress disorder 외상후 스트레스 장애
    • Parkinson's symptoms 파킨슨병 증상

    But there was limited or no evidence that cannabis helps: 미미한 효과

    • dementia mood problems 치매성 기분문제
    • epilepsy 간질
    • bladder function 방광 기능
    • glaucoma 녹내장
    • Tourette's syndrome 투렛 증후군(신경 장애로 인해 자신도 모르게 자꾸 몸을 움직이거나 욕설 비슷한 소리를 내는 증상)
    • Huntington's disease 헌팅턴 무도병 ((유전성 중추 신경 질환. 30대에 많이 발병하는 희귀한 유전병))
    • headache 두통
    • depression 우울
    • obsessive compulsive disorder 강박 장애
    • gut disorders 소화 장애
    • curb cancer growth 암성장 억제

    It found short-term side-effects of cannabis were generally mild and well tolerated, but that there was a link with schizophrenia in some long-term users.

    "There is probably a link in those who start using cannabis at an early age and also if the individual has a genetic predisposition to psychosis. There should be caution with regard to prescription of cannabis for such individuals," says the report.

    Also, there is a small dependency rate with cannabis at about 9%, "which needs to be taken seriously but compares to around 32% for tobacco use and 15% for alcohol use".

    The evidence for cognitive impairment in long-term users is not clear but "it is wise to be cautious in prescribing cannabis to younger people, given the possible susceptibility of the developing brain", says the report.

    Smoking cannabis in a joint rolled with tobacco can make asthma worse and probably increases the risk of lung cancer.

    Prof Barnes said: "We analysed over 20,000 scientific and medical reports.

    "The results are clear. Cannabis has a medical benefit for a wide range of conditions.

    "I believe that with greater research, it has the potential to help with an even greater number of conditions.

    "But this research is being stifled by the government's current classification of cannabis as having no medical benefit."

    Cannabis is currently classified as a Class B drug, with possession carrying a maximum sentence of five years in jail or an unlimited fine.

    Those supplying or producing cannabis face tougher penalties, with a maximum of 14 years in jail.

    The drug comes in many different forms - hash is cannabis resin, while marijuana is the dried leaves and flowers of the plant.

    A Home Office spokesman said: "There is a substantial body of scientific and medical evidence to show that cannabis is a harmful drug which can damage people's mental and physical health.

    "It is important that medicines are thoroughly trialled to ensure they meet rigorous standards before being placed on the market.

    "There is a clear regime in place, administered by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, to enable medicines, including those containing controlled drugs, to be developed."

    About 24 US states, Canada, Israel and at least 11 European countries already allow access to cannabis for medical use.

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