(중국) 중국매체들 사적 이득 때문에 허위문서 작성한 관리들을 처벌하라고 요구국제문제/중국 2015. 3. 1. 11:56
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-31654885
27 February 2015 Last updated at 06:09
China media중국매체: Fake documents 허위문서
China's leaders say they want to put an end to corruption 중국 지도부는 부패를 종식시키길 원한다
Papers call for severe punishment for officials who use false documents for personal gain. 중국매체들은 개인적 이익 때문에 허위문서를 이용한 관리들을 처벌하라고 요구하고 있다.
According to the Global Times, the authorities have launched a campaign to "sift through" profiles of all officials to crack down on fraud. 글로벌 타임즈에 따르면, 중국당국은 사기를 근절하기 위해 모든 관리들의 프로파일을 "샅샅이 조사하겠다"는 운동을 전개하고 있다.
This latest effort comes after inspection teams of the anti-graft watchdog reported rampant "falsifying" of personal information during their inspection rounds. 이번 조치는 조사기간 반부패감시를 맡은 조사팀이 만연된 개인정보의 "조작"현상을 밝혀내 보고한 뒤 나왔다.
The daily adds that anti-corruption inspections will focus on verifying civil servants' date of birth, work history, membership in the party and information about their family members. 반부패조사는 공직자의 출생연월일, 근무경력, 당원, 가족구성원에 대한 정보 등의 사실여부를 밝히는데 초점을 맞춘다고, 글로벌 타임즈는 말했다.
The China Daily calls the tampering of personal files "a form of corruption", saying it is "unforgivable for officials to get involved in such an indecent and unethical practice".
"Those whose personal information is found to be adulterated for their own benefit should be expelled from both the government and the party," it suggests.
A commentary in the Beijing Youth Daily notes that faking credentials has become a common form of corruption among officials in recent years.
It points out that the management of officials' records was lax and the authorities did not take the problem seriously.
"In many lower-ranking departments, one can successfully falsify their personal records just by presenting gifts or giving a treat to the officials," observes the article.
The commentary calls for penalties, including dismissal, for those officials who "lack integrity".
An article in the Beijing News suggests that the record management system should be more transparent and that officials' basic personal information should be made available to the public for further scrutiny.
"To tackle the root of the problem, one should also stress work ability and not place too much emphasis on age, educational qualifications and personal background," it adds.
Power politics
Meanwhile, China has urged the Philippines "to be fair" to a Chinese state-run electricity firm after Manila's decision to end its "technical involvement" in the country's power grid.
According to the Xinhua, Philippine Energy Secretary Jericho Petilla has announced that Chinese technicians working for the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines will be sent home by July, but the Chinese State Grid Corporation will still retain its 40% share in the company.
Hong Lei, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, on Thursday said that the Philippines took the decision due to "national security concerns".
He, however, reminded Manila that the Chinese firm had won a 25-year franchise of the Philippines' national transmission grid in 2007 and had made "important contributions" to the country's drive for power self-sufficiency.
"We hope that the Philippines can deal with the issue in a just and impartial way, protect the rights and interests of Chinese enterprises in the Philippines, and create a favourable environment for foreign investors," says the spokesperson.
Tensions between China and the Philippines have escalated in recent months over rival claims in the South China Sea.
The Global Times' Chinese edition highlights reports in foreign media as saying that the Philippines has been "feeling uneasy" with Chinese nationals operating in its national power grid. The Qianjiang Evening News says Manila's actions show that it is "not honouring its promises".
** 밝은 하늘의 소감 **
이 기사는 중국의 부패와의 전쟁을 다루었다. 특히 개인정보의 조작을 통해 개인적 이득을 얻은 경우가 부지기수도 많기 때문에, 이번 조치가 취해진 것이다. 남의 나라 얘기지만, 반가운 소식이다. 한국에서는 통일부장관 내정자 홍용표의 경우, 논문 중복발표라는 학계에서는 있을 수 없는 일들을 많이 저지른 사람이다. 이런 사람이 어떻게 장관으로 내정이 될 수 있단 말인가? 어디 이 사람뿐이겠는가? 이러니 나라꼴이 말이 아니다. 자고로 윗물이 맑아야 아랫물이 맑은 법이다.
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