(중국) 기차역에서 9명이 괴한의 칼 공격 받아 부상 입음국제문제/중국 2015. 3. 7. 22:53
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-31760249
6 March 2015 Last updated at 07:00
Nine hurt in China station knife attack 중국의 기차역에서 9명이 괴한의 칼 공격 받아 부상 당함
Authorities tightened the security presence at the station in the immediate aftermath of the attack 괴한의 공격 직후 중국당국은 역 주변에 보안을 강화했다
Nine people have been injured in a knife attack at a station in the Chinese city of Guangzhou, police say. 중국 광주시 역에서 발생한 괴한의 칼 공격을 받아 9명이 부상을 입었다.
The attack happened on Friday morning. Police shot one suspect dead and caught another, a statement said. 금요일 오전에 칼 공격이 발생했다. 경찰은 괴한들 중 한 명을 사살했고 다른 한 명은 생포했다고, 발표했다.
No information was given on the possible motive for the attack. 이 공격이 왜 발생했는가에 대한 정보는 알려진 게 없다.
In recent months there have been two attacks on stations in China, in Kunming and Urumqi. Authorities have blamed both on extremists from China's Uighur Muslim minority. 최근 몇 달간, 쿤밍과 우르무치의 기차역에서 두 차례의 테러행위가 있었다.
But other knife attacks, including on school children, have been blamed on people with personal grudges or mental health problems. 학생들에 대한 또다른 칼 공격은 개인적 원한이나 정신문제를 지니고 있는 사람들에게 비난이 쏟아졌다.
The BBC's John Sudworth in Shanghai says that although the motive for Friday's attack was not clear, the suspicion that it may be political in nature will be reinforced by the timing.
It comes just a day after China began its annual parliamentary session in Beijing.
The National People's Congress is where the Communist Party sets out its agenda for the coming year.
Xinhua news agency said that five victims and the detained suspect were in a stable condition, while four other victims were still receiving emergency treatment.
It also ran a a picture posted on microblogging social network Weibo appearing to show the immediate aftermath of the scene with travellers kneeling on the ground and attending to victims.
Guangzhou authorities moved in swiftly to establish a tight security presence. The police said on their microblog that "authorities will severely crack down on all illegal activities which harm public safety".
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