(중국) 남중국해에 '커다란 모래벽'을 쌓는 중국국제문제/중국 2015. 4. 2. 11:44
춮처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-32126840
China building 'great wall of sand' in South China Sea 중국 남중국해상에 커다란 모래벽 건축
1 April 2015
Manila released this photo in May appearing to show Chinese land reclamation at Johnson South reef 중국이 존슨 남쪽 암초에 자기네 땅이라고 우기기 위해 모래벽을 쌓는 이 사진을 마닐라 당국공개했다
China's land reclamation is creating a "great wall of sand" in the South China Sea, a top US official says, leading to "serious questions" on its intentions. 중국이 자기네 땅이라고 주장하고자 남중국해상에 그 저의가 상당히 의심스러운 "커다란 모래벽"을 쌓고 있다고, 미고위 관리는 말하고 있다.
US Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral Harry Harris made the comments in a speech in Australia on Tuesday night. 미태평양함대 사령관 제독 해리 해리스는 화요일 밤 오스트레일리아에서 행한 연설에서 말했다.
He said by pumping sand on to coral reefs and adding concrete, China had created "over 4sq/km (1.5 sq miles) of artificial landmass". 그는 (중국이) 산호초에 모래를 쏟아붇고 콘크리트를 추가함으로써 인공으로 육지 4평방키로미터를 조성했다고 말한다.
China has overlapping claims with neighbours in the South China Sea. 중국은 남중국해의 인접국들과도 영토분쟁을 치르고 있다.
It has been reclaiming land in contested waters - something it said last year was "totally justified" as it had "sovereignty" over the area.
In recent months images have emerged of Chinese construction on reefs in the Spratly Islands to create artificial islands with facilities that could potentially be for military use, including an air strip. 최근 몇 달 중국이 간이활주로를 포함 군사용도로 사용할 수 있는 시설물들을 갖춘 인공섬을 만들고자 남사군도에 건축하는 사진들이 드러났다.
Several nations, including Vietnam, the Philippines and Taiwan, also claim ownership of territory in the Spratly Islands. 베트남, 필리핀, 타이완이 남사군도에서 각기 자국의 영유권을 주장하고 있다.
Adm Harris described China's land reclamation as "unprecedented". 해리스 제독은 중국의 영유권 주장은 "전례가 없는 것"이라 표현했다.
"China is building artificial land by pumping sand on to live coral reefs - some of them submerged - and paving over them with concrete. China has now created over 4sq/km (1.5 sq miles) of artificial landmass," he said.
"China is creating a great wall of sand with dredges and bulldozers over the course of months."
He said that considering China's "pattern of provocative actions towards smaller claimant states" in the South China Sea, the scope of the building raised "serious questions about Chinese intentions".
The row over territory in the South China Sea has escalated in recent years, raising regional tensions.
The Philippines has filed a complaint with UN's Permanent Court of Arbitration - but China says it will not engage with the case.
In Vietnam, anti-Chinese violence broke out last year after China moved a drilling rig into disputed waters of the Paracel Islands.
Last year, responding to a BBC report on the land reclamation, China's foreign ministry spokesman Hua Chunying said China's operations in the Spratly Islands fell "entirely within China's sovereignty and are totally justifiable".
Asked whether the reclamation was for commercial or military use, Ms Hua replied that it was "mainly for the purpose of improving the working and living conditions of people stationed on these islands".
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