(미국) CIA 국장 브렌난 중요한 조직점검 명령국제문제/북미 2015. 3. 9. 09:46
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-31773508
6 March 2015 Last updated at 20:56
CIA director Brennan orders major overhaul CIA 국장 브렌난 중요한 조직점검 명령
Mr Brennan wants greater accountability at the CIA
CIA director John Brennan has ordered one of the largest reorganisations of the spy agency in its history. 존 브렌난이 역사상 첩보조직에 대한 최대의 재조직들 가운데 하나를 명령했다
In a memo to staff, the director said that the changes were driven by a wider range of threats and the impact of technological advancements. 광범위한 위협들과, 테크놀로지의 진보가 주는 영향으로 인해 변화들이 발생했다고 국장은 스탭들에게 전하는 메모에서 말했다.
The reforms aim to impose greater accountability on managers and to improve cyber capabilities. 이 개혁은 관리직원들에게 더 큰 책임을 부여하고 사이버상의 능력을 향상시키는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다.
The biggest change is the breakdown of the division between operators and analysts. 가장 큰 변화는 임무 수행하는 사람들과 상황 분석가들 사이에 대한 구분을 타파한 것이다.
Historically, those who run operations and those who interpret the intelligence they gather have been kept separate in different divisions and offices. 역사적으로 볼 대, 작전을 수행하는 요원들과 이들이 수집해온 정보를 분석하는 요원들은 각각 다른 부서와 사무실에서 떨어져지내왔다.
Under the new plans they would brought together in 10 "Mission Centres", each run by an assistant director.
There are a handful of such facilities at the moment, including the Counter Terrorism Centre, where analysts and operators have worked side by side for the past decade.
Digital revolution 디지털 혁명
In his memo to staff, the spy chief highlighted the dangers presented by cyber terrorism, but also the opportunities that technological advancement offered the agency.
He called on the CIA to "embrace and leverage the digital revolution" and announced the creation of the Directorate of Digital Innovation.
Mr Brennan told reporters that the cell-like nature of the agency often meant that there was no one person he could hold accountable for a spying mission.
"There are a lot of areas that I would like to have better insight to, better information about, better access to," Mr Brennan said.
Correspondents say the changes are a result of increasing concerns that the CIA's focus on terrorism following the September 11th attacks has blunted its abilities to deal with other threats.
The move to greater accountability comes after Mr Brennan admitted that some officers had acted beyond their authority following a 2014 Senate report that criticised the agency's use of enhanced interrogation methods.
Responding to the report, the director admitted that some of the methods were "abhorrent" but defended the CIA's record.
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