
  • (미국) 자신의 조상 중에 노예소유주가 있었다는 사실을 비밀로 해달라고 한 벤 아플렉
    국제문제/북미 2015. 4. 21. 01:31

    출처: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/32372468/ben-affleck-asked-broadcaster-to-hide-slave-owning-ancestor

    April 19 2015

    Ben Affleck asked broadcaster to hide slave-owning ancestor 벤 아플렉 방송국 PD에게 노예소유했던 조상에 대해 숨겨달라고 부탁

    Ben Affleck asked television producers not to reveal one of his ancestors was a slave-owner, leaked emails suggest. 벤 아플렉은 이메일을 통해 텔레비젼 프로그램 제작자들에게 조상 중 한 명이 노예 소유주였다는 사실을 밝히지 말아 달라고 부탁한 적 있다.

    The actor was taking part in a US series called Finding Your Roots, where experts research a celebrity's family history, when the discovery was made. 이 배우는 <당신의 뿌리를 찾아서>라는 미국 시리즈에 출연한 바 있다. 이 프로그램은 전문가들이 출연하여 유명인사의 가족사를 조사하는 프로인데, 이 때 그런 사실이 밝혀졌던 것이다. 

    The broadcaster, PBS, says in a statement that they didn't censor the slave-owner details. 방송사측은 전문가들이 노예소유주에 대한 자세한 사항을 잘라내지 않았다고 성명서에서 말한다. 

    It is "very common" to find slave-owning ancestors during research, the show's host says. 조사하는 기간 노예를 소유했던 조상을 찾아내는 경우는 "아주 흔한 일"이라고, 이 쇼의 진행자는 말한다.

    "For any guest, we always find far more stories about ancestors on their family trees than we ever possibly could use," Prof Henry Louis Gates says in a statement sent to The Associated Press. "어떤 게스트건, 우리는 항상 명사들의 가계에서 프로그램에서 사용할 수 있는 분량보다 훨씬 많이 출연자들의 조상들에 관한 이야기들을 찾고자 한다."고 헨리 루이스 게이츠 교수는 AP에 보낸 성명서에서 말한다.

    He says both film director Ken Burns and journalist Anderson Cooper also found out while making the show that relatives of theirs had owned slaves. 영화 제작자 켄 번스와 언론인 앤더슨 쿠퍼 역시 이 쇼를 제작할 때 그들의 친척들 중 노예를 소유했던 조상들을 찾아낸 적이 있다고 이 교수는 말한다.

    The details of Affleck's slave-owning family member were not included when his episode of Finding Your Roots was broadcast. 노예를 소유했던 아플렉의 조상에 대한 상세한 사항은 <당신의 뿌리를 찾아서>가 실제 방영되었을 때 포함되지 않았다.

    "In the case of Mr Affleck - we focused on what we felt were the most interesting aspects of his ancestry - including a Revolutionary War ancestor, a third great-grandfather who was an occult enthusiast and his mother who marched for Civil Rights during the Freedom Summer of 1964," says Prof Gates in a statement on the PBS website. 알플렉의 경우, 우리는 그의 조상들 중에 흥미로운 점 즉 3대 할아버지로 극단적으로(불가사의한) 열성팬이었던 "혁명전쟁 시대의 조상", 그리고 "1964년 자유 여름" 때 시민의 인권을 위해 데모에 참여했던 그의 어머니가 들어있다. 

    A representative for Affleck has yet to respond to request for a comment. 아플렉의 대변인은 그의 입장을 표명해야 한다.

    Earlier this year he received a People's Choice award for his humanitarian work in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 금년 초, 그는 콩고민주공화국에서 주는 인도주의적 활동에 대한 "국민의 선택" 상을 받은 적 있다.

    The email chain between Gates and Sony Pictures co-chairman and chief executive Michael Lynton was one of many thousands of emails and documents from last year's Sony hack that WikiLeaks put into a searchable online archive on Thursday.

    "Here's my dilemma: confidentially, for the first time, one of our guests has asked us to edit out something about one of his ancestors - the fact that he owned slaves," Prof Gates wrote on 22 July 2014.

    "Now, four or five of our guests this season descend from slave owners, including Ken Burns. We've never had anyone ever try to censor or edit what we found. He's a megastar. What do we do?"

    Lynton replies the same day, saying: "I would take it out if no one knows, but if it gets out that you are editing the material based on this kind of sensitivity then it gets tricky. Again, all things being equal I would definitely take it out."

    After further exchanges the pair seem to agree that censorship is a bad idea.

    "It would embarrass him and compromise our integrity. I think he is getting very bad advice." Prof Gates writes.

    once we open the door to censorship, we lose control of the brand."

    Affleck is never referred to by name in the emails - instead he is called "megastar" or "Batman". At the time of the exchange he was filming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

    A PBS spokeswoman says PBS did not know of the exchanges between Prof Gates, Sony and Affleck and wasn't part of editorial decisions made by the host and his producers.

    "It is clear from the exchange how seriously Professor Gates takes editorial integrity," PBS says in the statement on its website.

    "The range and depth of the stories on Finding Your Roots speak for themselves."

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