(미국) 시애틀에서 북극석유 채굴 반대 시위국제문제/북미 2015. 5. 18. 02:06
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-32770382
17 May 2015
'Paddle in Seattle' Arctic oil drilling protest 시애틀의 북극 석유시추에 반대하기 위해 모인 카누
Protesters took to the waters of Elliot Bay in Seattle to protest against plans by energy giant Shell to drill for oil in the Arctic 에너지 대기업 Shell이 북극에서 석유를 시추하겠다는 계획에 반대하기 위해, 시위대가 시애틀에 있는 엘리옷 만 해상에 집결해 있다.
Hundreds of people in kayaks and small boats have staged a protest in the north-western US port city of Seattle against oil drilling in the Arctic by the Shell energy giant. 카약과 소형 보트를 탄 수 백명의 사람들이 미국 북서부 항구도시 시애틀에서 시위를 벌이고 있다.
Paddle in Seattle was held by activists who said the firm's drilling would damage the environment. 시에틀에 모인 카누들은 활동가들이 타고 있다. 그들은 정유회사 Shell의 석유시추는 환경을 손상시킬 것이기 때문이라고 주장한다.
It comes after the first of Shell's two massive oil rigs arrived at the port. Shell의 두 개의 커다란 석유굴착장비 중 첫번째가 항구에 도착한 뒤 나온 시위였다.
The firm wants to move them in the coming months to explore for oil off Alaska's northern coast.
Earlier this week, Shell won conditional approval from the US Department of Interior for oil exploration in the Arctic.
The Anglo-Dutch company still must obtain permits from the federal government and the state of Alaska to begin drilling.
It says Arctic resources could be vital for supplying future energy needs.
'The only safe place' '유일하게 안전한 곳'
The flotilla of kayaks, canoes, sailboats and paddle boats gathered near the 400ft (122m) tall Polar Pioneer drilling rig. 카약, 카누, 레저용 범선(요트), 패들 보트가 구성된 배들이 400피트(122미터) 높이의 폴라 파이어니어의 석유시추장비 근처까지 모여들었다.
The protest is organised by a coalition of activists who say Shell's drilling will damage the Arctic environment
The protest is organised by a coalition of activists who say Shell's drilling will damage the Arctic environment 이번시위는 Shell의 석유시추작업은 북극환경을 손상시킬 것이라고 믿는 여러 환경단체들이 함께 모여 조직한 행사다.
A number of people supported the protest on land, chanting slogans and singing songs 많은 사람들이 슬로건을 외치고 노래를 부르며 육지에서 시위를 지지하고 있다.
Activists are now planning to hold a day of peaceful civil disobedience on Monday 활동가들은 월요일 평화적인 시민불복종의 날을 지킬 계획을 하고 있다
A solar-powered barge - The People's Platform - joined the protesters, who chanted slogans and also sang songs.
"This weekend is another opportunity for the people to demand that their voices be heard," Alli Harvey, Alaska representative for the Sierra Club's Our Wild America campaign, was quoted as saying by the Associated Press news agency.
"Science is as clear as day when it comes to drilling in the Arctic - the only safe place for these dirty fuels is in the ground.''
The protesters later gathered in formation and unveiled a big sign which read "Climate justice now".
They mostly stayed outside the official 100-yard (91m) buffer zone around the Polar Pioneer, the Seattle Times newspaper reports.
Police and coastguard monitored the flotilla, saying it was peaceful.
The demonstrators are now planning to hold a day of peaceful civil disobedience on Monday in an attempt to shut down Shell operations in the port, the newspaper adds.
The port's Terminal 5 has been at the centre of a stand-off between environmentalists and the city authorities after a decision earlier this year to allow Shell use the terminal as a home base for the company's vessels and oil rigs.
Shell stopped Arctic exploration more than two years ago after problems including an oil rig fire and safety failures.
The company has spent about $6bn (£3.85bn) on exploration in the Arctic - a region estimated to have about 20% of the world's undiscovered oil and gas.
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