(미국) 대량의 정보 유출피해를 입은 미국의 수백만 공무원들국제문제/북미 2015. 6. 5. 11:40
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33017310
2 minutes ago
Millions of US government workers hit by data breach 대량의 정보유출 피해를 입은 미국의 수백만 공무원들
Tom Bateman reports: "The State Department is looking at all the foreign elements that could have been involved" "국무부는 이 사건에 관련되었을 것으로 보이는 모든 해외 가능성을 조사하고 있다."
Chinese hackers are suspected of carrying out a "massive breach" affecting the data of millions of US government workers, officials said. 중국 해커들이 "대량의 정보유출"을 수행한 것으로 추측된다. 이로 인해 미정부 공무원 수 백 만의 데이타가 피해를 입었을 것으로 보인다.
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) confirmed on Thursday that almost four million current and past employees have been affected. 인사관리부는 목요일 거의 4백만의 전현직 공무원들이 피해를 당한 것이라고 확인했다.
The breach could potentially affect every federal agency, officials said. 이 유출사건은 연방 인사부도 해당될 가능성이 있어 보인다고, 관리들은 말했다.
Susan Collins, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the attack was thought to originate in China.
The Chinese embassy in Washington warned against "jumping to conclusions".
Embassy spokesman Zhu Haiquan told Reuters news agency that the accusations were "not responsible, and counterproductive".
OPM serves as the human resource department for the federal government.
The agency issues security clearances and compiles records of all federal government employees.
Information stored on OPM databases includes employee job assignments, performance reviews and training, according to officials.
The breach did not involve background checks and clearance investigations, officials said.
Mrs Collins called the breach "yet another indication of a foreign power probing successfully and focusing on what appears to be data that would identify people with security clearances".
'Perilously overdue' '위험천만하게도 이미 오래전 일'
Using a new cyber security system known as Einstein, the OPM detected a "cyber-intrusion" in April 2015. The FBI said it was investigating the breach.
Ken Ammon, chief strategy officer of Xceedium - a cyber security firm - warned that the hacked data could be used to impersonate or blackmail federal employees with access to sensitive information.
Previous hack attacks on US government 미정부에 대한 이전의 해킹공격
- In November 2014 a hack compromised files belonging to 25,000 employees of the Department of Homeland Security, as well as thousands of other federal workers
- In March 2014 hackers breached OPM networks, targeting government staff with security clearance, but the attempt was blocked before any data was stolen. The intrusion was traced to China
- In 2006, hackers believed to be based in China breached the system of a sensitive bureau in the US Department of Commerce. Hundreds of workstations had to be replaced
Congressman Adam Schiff has called for cyber databases to be upgraded in light of the most recent attack.
Americans "expect that federal computer networks are maintained with state of the art defences", Mr Schiff said.
"The cyber threat from hackers, criminals, terrorists and state actors is one of the greatest challenges we face on a daily basis, and it's clear that a substantial improvement in our cyber databases and defences is perilously overdue."
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