(미국) 백주 대낮에 시민(흑인 청소년들)에게 총기위협 가하며 행패부린 텍사스 경찰국제문제/북미 2015. 6. 9. 18:39
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33059484
2 hours ago: June 9 2015
McKinney video: Hundreds march over Texas police gun incident 백주 대낮에 시민(흑인 청소년들)에게 총기위협 가하며 행패부린 텍사스 경찰에 항의 시위
Civil rights leaders in McKinney are calling for a federal investigation 맥킨니의 인권단체 리더들은 연방정부 차원에서 조사가 이뤄져야 한다고 요구하고 있다
Hundreds of people have marched through a city near Dallas, Texas after a video showed a police officer pointing his gun at teenagers. 십대 아이들에게 경찰이 총을 겨눈 장면이 동영상을 통해 소개된 후, 수 백 명의 시민들이 텍사스의 달라스 근처 도시를 행진했다.
The video, filmed on Friday, shows an officer in McKinney pinning a black 15-year-old girl in a bikini to the ground with his knees. 지난 금요일 촬영된 동영상에서 맥킨니의 경찰 하나가 비키니를 입고 있는 흑인 15세 소녀를 자신의 무릎으로 땅바닥에 눕혀 꼼짝못하게 하고 있다.
The protesters are demanding that the police officer, who is white, should be dismissed. 시위대는 백인경찰은 파면되어야 한다고 주장하고 있다.
The officer, Corporal David Eric Casebolt, has been placed on leave. 데이빗 에릭 케이스볼트 경장은 휴직처리 되었다.
In a statement posted on Facebook, McKinney police said they were called because a number of uninvited people refused to leave the swimming pool. 페이스북에 남긴 메시지에서 맥킨니 경찰서는 많은 초대받지 않은 사람들이 수영장을 떠나달라 했는데도 거절했기 때문에 그렇게 한 것이었다고 했다.
A fight then broke out, and more calls were made to police. 그러자 논쟁이 일면서, 많은 사람들이 경찰서에 전화를 걸었다.
The video shows the police officer pinning down a teenager and pointing his gun at others 이 동영상을 보면, 경찰이 십대 소녀를 제압해 땅바닥에 자빠트린채 다른 청소년들을 겨냥하고 있다.
In a video that is more than seven minutes long, Mr Casebolt is shown swearing at a number of black youths, pointing his gun at others, and pulling the girl by her arm, before pinning her to the ground with his knees.
The girl, Dajerria Becton, told the Texan broadcaster KDFW: "Him getting fired isn't enough."
On Monday night, close to 800 people marched through McKinney, a city of almost 150,000 people.
They walked from a school to the swimming pool, carrying placards with slogans including "My skin colour is not a crime" and "Don't tread on our kids".
Civil rights leaders in McKinney said they wanted an investigation by the US Justice Department, and to see Mr Casebolt dismissed.
The protests come at a time of intense scrutiny of police's reaction to minorities 미성년자에 대한 경찰의 강경 대응에 대한 철저한 조사가 이뤄지는 시점에서 시위가 발생했다
Protesters in McKinney have demanded the police officer be fired 맥킨니 시위대는 그 경찰은 면직되어야 한다고 요구하고 있다
Close to 800 people took to the streets of McKinney 근 800명의 시민이 맥킨니 거리로 몰려나왔다
The incident comes at a time of heightened scrutiny about how US police forces respond to minorities.
Protests have followed the deaths of several African Americans in police incidents since July 2014 - Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Eric Garner in New York, Freddie Gray in Baltimore and Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio.
Benet Embry, a radio host who witnessed the incident, defended the police, saying: "That's what they are supposed to do - protect us.
"I don't know any other way he could have taken her down or established order."
A number of comments on the police department's Facebook page have defended the officer's actions.
Police said the video "raised concerns that are being investigated".
Mr Casebolt has not commented on the investigation.
1. 위 기사는 어느 나라에나 견장 채워주면 지가 대단한 사람인 거 마냥 개가 되는 인간들이 있음을 미국의 텍사스 똘아이 경찰 몇이 여실히 보여주고 있다.
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