(시사) BBC보도/세월호 재난: 대통령 인양 약속사람되기/시사 2015. 4. 17. 20:07
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-32297010
16 April 2015
Sewol disaster: President pledges to raise ferry as South Korea mourns 세월호 재난: 대통령 배 인양 약속
Parents want an independent inquiry, as Steve Evans reports 희생자 부모들 특검 요구
South Korea's president has promised to raise the Sewol ferry, as the nation marks a year since the disaster. 한국 대통령은 세월호 사고 1주년을 맞으면서 드디어 세월호를 인양하겠다고 약속했다.
A total of 304 people, mostly school students, were killed when the ship - which was overloaded and illegally redesigned - sank off Jindo island. 1년 전, 대부분이 학생들인 304명의 승객들이 과적하고 불법개조된 배가 진도에서 가라앉아 사망했다.
The government has faced a day of anger with relatives cancelling at least one memorial service in protest. 한국정부는 유가족들이 저항의 뜻으로 최소한 한 차례의 추모제를 취소하면서 분노의 날을 맞고 있다.
Divers have recovered all but nine of the bodies. Relatives say the ship must be raised and their remains found. 잠수사들은 오직 9 구의 시신만 수습했다. 유가족들은 배가 인양되면 실종자들을 찾을 거라고 말한다.
The government says salvaging the ship will cost $110m (£74m) and has previously refused to commit to doing so. 배를 구조하는데 1억천만 달러(한화로 천백억원 상당)가 소요되므로 얼마전까지는 구조를 아예 포기했었다.
But President Park Guen-hye, speaking at a port in Jindo, said she would take "the necessary steps to salvage the ship at the earliest possible date". 그러나 박근혜 대통령은 진도 팽목항에서 연설하면서 "빠른 시일 내에 배를 구조하기 위한 모든 조치를 취할 것"이라고 밝혔다.
The Sewol ferry disaster left 304 people - mostly teenage students - dead or missing
South Korea's National Assembly adopted a resolution saying a speedy recovery of the ferry would help heal "the minds of the victims, survivors and bereaved families... as well as those of all the citizens".
But relatives of the missing students had said there were not convinced that the Sewol would definitely be raised, the BBC's Stephen Evans in Seoul reports. 그러나 실종 학생들의 유가족들은 세월호가 분명히 인양될 수 있을지 장담할 수 없다고 말했다.
They remain wary of the plan, and called Ms Park's announcement vague and politically motivated. 그들은 고통에 지쳤고, 박대통령의 말이 공허하고 정치적인 계산에서 나온 것이라고 여겼다.
Lee Keum-hui's daughter Eun-hwa died trapped in the ferry. Her body has not been found.
Steve Evans, BBC News, Seoul:
Even as President Park gave the bereaved families what they had been asking for, she must have felt their wrath and their grief.
Dressed in the black of mourning, she stood on a windy breakwater near where the Sewol sank and announced that the vessel would be raised - just as the families had demanded.
"I have a heavy heart and my heart aches to think how painful it is," she says.
But bereaved families had left the port before she arrived, a gesture the South Korean media interpreted as a protest against what the families allege is her previous inaction over both the raising of the Sewol and fulfilling the promise of an independent enquiry.
The ship listed and sank on 16 April 2014, capsizing over a three-hour period
Relatives blocked PM Lee Wan-koo from a memorial hall, amid ongoing anger at the government
Memorial ceremonies are being held across the country on Thursday.
But relatives cancelled a planned service in the city of Ansan in protest against Ms Park's absence from the event.
In the morning, Prime Minister Lee Wan-koo was prevented from entering the venue by relatives of those who died.
On Wednesday relatives of those who died paid their respects at the site of the disaster
This classroom at Danwon High School has been left as a memorial to the children who died
Investigators say the ferry sank after an inexperienced crew member made too fast a turn. The combination of an illegal redesign and overload meant the ship was unstable.
But some relatives say they want an independent and more thorough inquiry into the disaster, which sparked countrywide debate about regulatory failings and official incompetence.
Most of the crew of the Sewol survived.
The captain and three senior crew members have since been given long jail terms for failing to protect passengers.
Eleven other crew members were imprisoned, as was the captain of the a coast guard vessel involved in the botched rescue effort.
Separate trials were held for employees of the ferry operator, Chonghaejin Marine Co. Its owner, Yoo Byung-eun, disappeared after the disaster and was eventually found dead.
Sewol victims
- 325 students aged between 16 and 17 from Danwon High School, south of Seoul, were on a school trip to the holiday island of Jeju when the ferry sank
- Only about 70 survived - many had obeyed orders to stay put as the ferry listed
- Several texted their family members goodbye and to tell them "I love you". one also filmed what turned out to be his last moments on his mobile phone inside the ship. The texts and footage were retrieved by parents and later broadcast on national television
- Some of the survivors later testified that they had to float out of cabins and most of the crew members did not attempt to help them
- At least three crew members died trying to evacuate passengers. They included an engaged couple, Jung Hyun-seon and Kim Ki-Woong, and the youngest crew member Park Ji-young, who gave her lifejacket to a passenger. All three have been named "martyrs" by the government
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