
  • (교육) 아시아 전세계 학교 순위에서 톱
    아름다운 인생/교육 2015. 5. 14. 18:49

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-32608772

    13 May 2015


    Asia tops biggest global school rankings 아시아 전세계 학교 순위에서 톱




    The biggest ever global school rankings have been published, with Asian countries in the top five places and African countries at the bottom. 전세계 최대의 학교 순위가 발표되었는데, 아시아의 국가들이 톱 5를 차지했고 아프리카의 국가들이 최하위를 차지했다.

    Singapore heads the table, followed by Hong Kong, with Ghana at the bottom. 싱가폴이 1위, 홍콩이 2위, 한국이 3위, 아프리카의 가나가 최하위를 차지했다.

    The UK is in 20th place, among higher achieving European countries, with the US in 28th. 영국은 유럽국가들 가운데 비교적 상위권인 20위를 차지했으나,  미국은 28위를 차지했다.

    The OECD economic think tank says the comparisons - based on test scores in 76 countries - show the link between education and economic growth. OECD 경제싱크탱크는 76개 국가의 테스트 점수에 근거한 비교는 교육과 경제발전 사이의 밀접한 연관성이 있다고 말한다.

    "This is the first time we have a truly global scale of the quality of education," said the OECD's education director, Andreas Schleicher. 교육의 질을 글로벌 차원에서 측정한 것은 이번이 처음이다.” OECD 교육책임자 안드레아스 쉴레이처는 말한다.

    "The idea is to give more countries, rich and poor, access to comparing themselves against the world's education leaders, to discover their relative strengths and weaknesses, and to see what the long-term economic gains from improved quality in schooling could be for them," he said. 우리의 아이디어는 부유한 나라들이나 가난한 나라들이 전세계에서 교육을 잘 시키는 나라들과 비교하도록 하는 것, 그리고 자신들의 장단점을 파악하게 하는 것, 학교교육의 질적 향상이 가져다 줄 수 있는 경제적 이득이 무엇인지 알게 하는 것이 우리의 목적입니다.”라고 그는 설명을 했다. 

    Sean Coughlan breaks down the OECD's findings on global education.

    The top performer, Singapore, had high levels of illiteracy into the 1960s, said Mr Schleicher, showing how much progress could be made. 최고를 차지한 싱가포르는 60년대까지만 해도 높은 문맹률을 갖고 있었는데, (노력하면) 얼만큼 발전할 수 있는지 보여주는 좋은 사례라고, 그는 말한다.

    In the UK, the study shows about one in five youngsters leave school without reaching a basic level of education - and the OECD says that reducing this number and improving skills could add trillions of dollars to the UK economy. 영국의 경우 약 5분의 1의 청소년들이 기초교육도 이수하지 않은 상태서 학교교육을 그만둔다는 점을 보여주고 있으며, 이런 수치를 줄이고 기술을 높이는 노력은 영국 경제에 수 조 달러의 부담을 줄 거라고 OECD는 말한다. 

    "I think it's partly a mindset, an expectation. There are plenty of examples of schools that have raised the bar dramatically," said education minister Lord Nash.

    But a leading UK head teacher, Sir Anthony Seldon, criticised such league tables as "arguably doing more harm than good".

    "They are skewing schools and national education systems away from real learning towards repetitive rote learning," said Sir Anthony, head of Wellington College in Berkshire.

    The analysis, based on test scores in maths and science, is a much wider global map of education standards than the OECD's Pisa tests, which focus on more affluent industrialised countries. 수학과 과학의 테스트 점수에 근거해 분석한 바는 물질적으로 풍족한 산업화된 국가들에 초점을 맞춘 OECD의 피사 테스트보다 더 글로벌한 교육기준의 지도를 보여준다고 할 수 있다.


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    Overall rankings

    Rankings based on maths and science, at age 15

    1. 1. Singapore
    2. 2. Hong Kong
    3. 3. South Korea
    4. 4. Japan
    5. 4. Taiwan
    6. 6. Finland
    7. 7. Estonia
    8. 8. Switzerland
    9. 9. Netherlands
    10. 10. Canada
    11. 11. Poland
    12. 12. Vietnam


    This latest league table, ranking more than a third of the world's nations, shows how countries such as Iran, South Africa, Peru and Thailand would appear on an international scale.

    It shows once again the poor performance of the United States, slipping behind successful European countries and being overtaken by Vietnam. It also highlights the decline of Sweden, with the OECD warning last week that it had serious problems in its education system.


    Figures mapped above show estimated growth in GDP over the lifetime of pupils. The figures assume that all pupils are enrolled in schools and that they achieve at least basic skills.


    More stories from the BBC's Knowledge economy series looking at education from a global perspective and how to get in touch


    The rankings are based on an amalgamation of international assessments, including the OECD's Pisa tests, the TIMSS tests run by US-based academics and TERCE tests in Latin America, putting developed and developing countries on a single scale. 순위는 선진국들과 개발도상국을 한 저울에 올려놓고, 국제적인 평가인 OECD의 피사Pisa 테스트, 미국 학자들이 운영하는 TIMSS 테스트, 라틴아메리카의 TERCE 테스트를 총망라한 바에 근거하고 있다.

    The findings will be formally presented at the World Education Forum in South Korea next week, where the United Nations is to convene a conference on targets for raising global education by 2030.

    'Every student to succeed'

    The top five places are all taken by Asian countries - Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan. 최상위 5개국은 아시아 국가들(싱가폴, 홍콩, 한국, 대만, 일본)이 휩쓸었다.

    The five lowest-ranked countries are Oman in 72nd, Morocco, Honduras, South Africa and Ghana in last spot. 반면 최하위는 오만, 모로코, 온두라스, 남아프리카, 가나가 차지했다.

    "If you go to an Asian classroom you'll find teachers who expect every student to succeed. There's a lot of rigour, a lot of focus and coherence," says Mr Schleicher. 당신이 아시아 교실에 들어가면, 학생들이 성공하기를 기대하는 교사들을 만날 것이다. 엄격함, 초점맞춤, 일관성을 많이 엿볼 수 있다.


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    Economic growth potential

    GDP increase if all 15 year olds achieved basic level of education (%)

    1. 1. Ghana, 3881
    2. 2. South Africa, 2624
    3. 3. Honduras, 2016
    4. 4. Morocco, 1591
    5. 5. Oman, 1427
    6. 6. Botswana, 1303
    7. 7. Macedonia, 1137
    8. 8. Peru, 1076
    9. 9. Qatar,1029
    10. 10. Saudi Arabia, 975
    11. 11. Albania, 929
    12. 12. Colombia, 910

    "These countries are also very good at attracting the most talented teachers in the most challenging classrooms, so that every student has access to excellent teachers."

    The report, published by the OECD and written by Eric Hanushek from Stanford University and Ludger Woessmann from Munich University, argues that the standard of education is a "powerful predictor of the wealth that countries will produce in the long run".


    Take the test: How would your maths skills compare with the world's teenagers?


    "Poor education policies and practices leave many countries in what amounts to a permanent state of economic recession," says the report.

    Millennium targets

    Improving education would produce "long-term economic gains that are going to be phenomenal", says Mr Schleicher.

    If Ghana, the lowest ranked country, achieved basic skills for all its 15-year-olds, the report says that it would expand its current GDP by 38 times, over the lifetime of today's youngsters.

    Only a minority of countries in Africa had sufficient test data to be included in these rankings - and it could be that countries such as Ghana are among the higher achievers in the continent, performing better than the majority for which there are no comparable figures.


    Education standards are a "powerful predictor of the wealth" says the OECD's report


    The report will provide evidence for next week's World Education Forum of how achieving education targets can deliver economic gains.

    The milestone conference, under the auspices of the United Nations, will mark 15 years since the setting of education targets by world leaders.

    These millennium targets for education, such as providing all children with a primary education, have not been fully achieved.

    But the World Education Forum will set another round of global targets for the next 15 years.


    Countries ranked on maths and science

    1. Singapore

    2. Hong Kong

    3. South Korea

    4. Japan (joint)

    4. Taiwan (joint)

    6. Finland

    7. Estonia

    8. Switzerland

    9. Netherlands

    10. Canada

    11. Poland

    12. Vietnam

    13. Germany

    14. Australia

    15. Ireland

    16. Belgium

    17. New Zealand

    18. Slovenia

    19. Austria

    20. United Kingdom

    21. Czech Republic

    22. Denmark

    23. France

    24. Latvia

    25. Norway

    26. Luxembourg

    27. Spain

    28. Italy (joint)

    28. United States (joint)

    30. Portugal

    31. Lithuania

    32. Hungary

    33. Iceland

    34. Russia

    35. Sweden

    36. Croatia

    37. Slovak Republic

    38. Ukraine

    39. Israel

    40. Greece

    41. Turkey

    42. Serbia

    43. Bulgaria

    44. Romania

    45. UAE

    46. Cyprus

    47. Thailand

    48. Chile

    49. Kazakhstan

    50. Armenia

    51. Iran

    52. Malaysia

    53. Costa Rica

    54. Mexico

    55. Uruguay

    56. Montenegro

    57. Bahrain

    58. Lebanon

    59. Georgia

    60. Brazil

    61. Jordan

    62. Argentina

    63. Albania

    64. Tunisia

    65. Macedonia

    66. Saudi Arabia

    67. Colombia

    68. Qatar

    69. Indonesia

    70. Botswana

    71. Peru

    72. Oman

    73. Morocco

    74. Honduras

    75. South Africa

    76. Ghana




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