(중국) 동전 66만 개를 내고 차를 구입한 中國男국제문제/중국 2015. 6. 5. 15:33
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-33008073
4 June 2015
China: Man buys car using 660,000 coins 동전 66만개를 내고 차를 구입한 中國男
Counting the pennies: The huge pile of cash was transported to the dealership in a lorry 동전 세기: 거대하게 쌓인 동전들을 트럭에 실어 차량 판매직원에게 인도했다
A Chinese man has paid for his new car using 660,000 coins and 20,000 low value banknotes, it's reported. 한 중국 남성이 신차를 구입하면서 66만개의 동전과 2만의 지폐로 지불했다고, 전해진다.
The buyer, identified as Mr Gan, handed over the huge haul of small change to a dealership in the northeast city of Shenyang, the Liaoshen Evening News reports. Each coin and note was worth just one yuan ($0.16; 10p), and the hefty sum, weighing four tonnes in total, took up more than 4m (13ft) of floor space within the showroom, the report says. 성이 간氏로 전해진 이 남성은 선양(沈阳)의 자동차 판매인에게 (신차를 구입하면서) 엄청한 양의 동전을 건냈다고, 리아오션완빠오(辽沈晚报)가 전했다.
Mr Gan explains that he paid in cash because he had amassed a huge amount of small denomination coins and notes through the petrol station where he works. "As our station is in the suburbs, there are very few banks. So we didn't deposit the coins and decided to use them to buy a car for our company," he says. 간씨는 자신이 일하는 주유소에서 받은 동전과 소액 지폐가 너무 많이 있기 때문에 동전으로 지불한 것이라 설명했다. "우리 주유소는 외곽에 있기 때문에 은행이 별로 많지 않아요. 그래서 우리는 동전들을 가지고 은행에 가는 대신, 회사차를 구입하는데 사용하기로 결정했던 거예요."
It took a while for staff to move all the cash The buyer warned staff at the car dealership in advance about his unusual payment method, and the cash was neatly wrapped in small packages. But it still posed a logistical challenge - employees needed more than an hour to move all the cash into the showroom. They then had the unenviable task of gathering it all up again and taking it to the bank. 구매자는 사전에 지불방법에 대해 경고하면서, 작은 봉다리에 담은 동전의 양이 엄청날 거라고 말했었다.
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