
  • (아시아/캄보디아) 호주에서 난민신청 거부된 난민들 4명 재정착 위해 프놈펜 도착
    국제문제/동남아 2015. 6. 5. 16:35

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-33002291

    4 June 2015

    Australia's rejected refugees arrive in Cambodia for resettlement 호주에서 난민신청 거부된 난민 4명 재정착 위해 프놈펜 도착

    They four refugees have asked for their privacy to be protected and did not speak to media  난민신청을 했던 4 사람은 언론에는 이름을 밝히지 말아 달라고 부탁했다

    The first refugees to be resettled in Cambodia from the Australian detention centre on Nauru have arrived in Phnom Penh. 호주 구치소에서 출소하여 캄보디아에 재정착하게 될 첫 난민들이 프놈펜에 도착했다.

    The four people - three Iranians and one Rohingya - were the only people to volunteer for the controversial scheme. 이 네 사람들(3명의 이란인과 1명의 로힝기야족)은 논쟁의 여지가 많았던 계획에 유일하게 자원했던 사람들이다.

    Last year, Cambodia agreed to take in refugees rejected by Australia in return for A$40m ($31m; £20m) in aid. 지난 해, 캄보디아는 호주가 거부했던 난민들을 받아들이는 대신에 400만 불의 원조를 호주에게서 받기로 약속했다.

    Rights groups have accused Australia of shirking international responsibility by not taking in refugees. 인권단체들은 호주가 난민들을 거부함으로써 국제적 책임을 지지 않았다고 비난했다.

    'We wish them luck' '우리는 그들에게 행운을 빈다."

    Australia does not allow asylum seekers or refugees onto its shores, instead detaining them at facilities on the island nation of Nauru and Manus Island in Papua New Guinea. 호주는 자국 영해에 망명신청자들이나 난민들을 일체 받아들이지 않는 대신, 나우루 제도와 파푸아뉴기니에 있는 마누스 섬에 있는 시설에 구류해오고 있다.

    Australia's then Immigration Minister Scott Morrison reached the deal with his Cambodian counterpart Sar Kheng in September last year 호주의 당시 출입국관리 장관 스콧 모리슨이 캄보디아의 파트너 사르 켕과 작년 9월에 딜(역자: 호주에서 난민이나 망명자를 받지 않는 대신 캄보디아에 일정액 원조를 하겠다는 내용 )을 성공시켰다.

    Rights group estimate that about 677 detainees are being held on Nauru, sometimes in unsanitary and unsafe conditions. 인권단체들은 약 677명이 위생이 엉망이고 안전치 못한 상황에서 나우루에 구류되어 있다고 보고 있다.

    The four refugees arrived on a commercial flight and were received by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and government officials.

    "We welcome them and wish them luck in our country," said government spokesman Phay Siphan.

    "We are a country of no discrimination and we include these newcomers, to build the country together."


    Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world

    Analysis: Kevin Doyle, BBC News, Phnom Penh

    A "fact sheet" on life in Cambodia given out on Nauru, serves to act as an inducement.

    It paints an implausibly rosy picture of life, describing the country as "rapidly developing" with "all the freedoms of a democratic society", as well as "a high standard of health care with multiple hospitals", and no "violent crime or stray dogs".

    What Australia tells its own citizens about Cambodia is rather different.

    "Health and medical services in Cambodia are generally of a very poor quality and very limited in the services they can provide," Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs says on its website.

    What Australia isn't telling refugees


    The group have asked for their privacy to be protected and did not speak to media.

    "The group has transferred to temporary accommodation in Phnom Penh, where the IOM will begin to provide essential support, including language training, cultural and social orientation, education services, health services and employment services," the organisation said in a statement

    Australia is also providing funds to the IOM as part of the deal.

    The UN has spoken out against the resettlement agreement and Cambodia has, in previous years, been criticised for its own record on helping refugees.

    "Cambodia clearly has no will or capacity to integrate refugees permanently into Cambodian society," said Phil Robertson, from Human Rights Watch on Thursday.

    "These four refugees are essentially human guinea pigs in an Australian experiment that ignores the fact that Cambodia has not integrated other refugees and has already sent Montagnards and Uighur asylum seekers back into harm's way in Vietnam and China."

    Australia's Immigration Minister Peter Dutton would not be commenting on the refugee transfer, a spokesperson said.


    Australia and asylum

    • Asylum seekers - mainly from Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Iraq and Iran - travel to Australia's Christmas Island by boat from Indonesia
    • The number of boats rose sharply in 2012 and early 2013. Scores of people have died making the journey
    • To stop the influx, the government has adopted hard-line measures intended as a deterrent
    • Everyone who arrives is detained. Under a new policy, they are processed in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Those found to be refugees will be resettled in PNG, Nauru or Cambodia
    • Tony Abbot's government has also adopted a policy of tow-backs, or turning boats around
    • Rights groups and the UN have voiced serious concerns about the policies and accuse Australia of shirking international obligations

    Australia asylum: Why is it controversial?

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