
  • (중국) 中国의 台风: 찬홈 浙江声 해안 강타
    국제문제/중국 2015. 7. 12. 01:20

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-33491507

    China typhoon: Chan-hom hits coast of Zhejiang province 中国의 태풍 찬홈 浙江省 해안 강타

    Typhoon Chan-hom has brought flooding and high winds to the eastern coast of China

    Powerful typhoon Chan-hom has made landfall along the coast of China's eastern Zhejiang province. 강력 태풍 찬홈이 중국 동부 浙江省의 해안에 발을 들여 놓았다

    Almost one million people have been evacuated from coastal areas in anticipation of a typhoon carrying wind speeds of 173km/h (107mph). Some 100mm of rain has fallen since Friday. 대략 1백만 명이 대피했다. 이 태풍은 시속 107키로다. 금요일부터 100미리미터의 비가 쏟아졌다.

    Chan-hom is now heading north past the city of Shanghai.

    The typhoon hit Taiwan and Japan earlier in the week, uprooting trees and injuring several people.

    Flights cancelled 항공편 취소

    Chan-hom first hit Zhejiang province on an island near the city of Ningbo at around 16:40 (08:40 GMT), the National Meteorological Center said. 태풍 찬홈이 GMT 8시40분경 宁波市근처 섬  浙江省 해변을 강타했다고, 국가기상센터는 전했다.

    No deaths or injuries were reported in the region by Saturday evening, state news agency Xinhua said.

    One village, Laiao, received more than 400mm (16in) of rain, it said. 라이아오에는 16인치(400미리) 이상의 비가 쏟아졌다.

    The BBC's John Sudworth in Shanghai says more than 400 flights have been cancelled there along with a number of public events, and the government has told people they should stay at home.

    Flooded street in Xiangshan county in Zhejiang province 象山县의 물바다가 된 거리

    Huge waves were crashing into the coast of Zhejiang province 浙江省의 해안을 덥친 큰 파도

    Dykes have been strengthened in Zhejiang 제방을 강화하고 있다

    Shanghai was feeling the strength of the winds even before Chan-hom made landfall 심지어 태풍 찬홈이 육지에 발을 딛기도 전 상하이는 강력한 바람을 맛보았다

    Dozens of flights were also cancelled in Zhoushan, Hangzhou, Ningbo and Wenzhou. 舟山,杭州,宁波,温州에서 수십 편의 항공편이 취소되었다.

    Zhejiang province has called its entire fishing fleet back to port.

    Some 100 train services were also cancelled. 100여 편의 열차도 취소되었다.

    Peter Abram, who is in Ningbo, told the BBC: "The supermarkets got cleaned out yesterday morning. I just tried to take a walk, but got blown back inside.

    Chan hom update

    "The only people out in the thick of it are emergency services... All us Westerners here in Ningbo seem to be safely battened down in our apartments, candles at the ready."

    Philippa Osborne, who is in Shanghai, said: "From where I live in the middle of Shanghai, people have certainly heeded the warning to stay home. There are virtually no pedestrians out on the street, and the road traffic volume has been greatly reduced."

    Chinese television showed footage of coastal regions being battered by torrential rain as the typhoon neared.

    Images from the region also showed flooded farmland.

    Our correspondent says China is well used to dealing with such storms, although this is possibly the strongest July typhoon to hit Zhejiang since 1949.

    The highest red-alert warning remains in force, despite the storm being downgraded in category from super to strong. 재난 최고 등급인 적색등급이 발효중이다.

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