
  • (건강) 수면 패턴과 암의 관계
    아름다운 인생/건강 2015. 7. 22. 12:15

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-33569161

    21 July 2015

    Poor sleeping patterns link to cancer 나쁜 수면 패턴은 암과 연관

    Irregular sleeping patterns have been "unequivocally" shown to lead to cancer in tests on mice, a study suggests. 한 보고서에 따르면, 불규칙한 수면 패턴은 생쥐 실험에서 "명백히" 암을 유발한다.

    The report, in Current Biology, lends weight to concerns about the damaging impact of shift work on health. 학술지 <Current Biology>에 등재된 논문은 교대근무가 건강에 주는 나쁜 효과에 대한 걱정에 무게를 실어준다. 

    The researchers said women with a family risk of breast cancer should never work shifts, but cautioned that further tests in people were needed. 연구자들은 암 발병 위험이 있는 가정을 가진 여성들은 결코 교대근무를 해서 안 된다고 말했으며, 사람에 대한 임상실험이 더 필요했다고 경고했다.

    The data also indicated the animals were 20% heavier despite eating the same amount of food. 이번 연구의 데이타에 의하면, 동물들이 동일한 양의 음식을 먹음에도 불구하고 그 중 20%가 더 무거웠다고 한다.

    Studies in people have often suggested a higher risk of diseases such as breast cancer in shift workers and flight attendants. 사람에 대한 실험 연구는 교대근무를 하는 사람들과 항공기 승무원들은 유방암과 같은 질병의 위험도가 다른 직종의 사람들보다 훨씬 높았음을 보여준다.

    One argument is disrupting the body's internal rhythm - or body clock - increases the risk of disease. 불규칙한 수면은 체내 리듬 혹은 생체 시계를 교란시켜 질병의 위험을 증가시킨다.

    However, the link is uncertain because the type of person who works shifts may also be more likely to develop cancer due to factors such as social class, activity levels or the amount of vitamin D they get.

    Body Clock

    Mice prone to developing breast cancer had their body clock delayed by 12 hours every week for a year.

    Normally they had tumours after 50 weeks - but with regular disruption to their sleeping patterns, the tumours appeared eight weeks earlier.

    The report said: "This is the first study that unequivocally shows a link between chronic light-dark inversions and breast cancer development."

    Interpreting the consequences for humans is fraught with difficulty, but the researchers guesstimated the equivalent effect could be an extra 10kg (1st 8lb) of body weight or for at-risk women getting cancer about five years earlier.

    'Definitive experimental proof' '분명한 실험상 증거'

    "If you had a situation where a family is at risk for breast cancer, I would certainly advise those people not to work as a flight attendant or to do shift work," one of the researchers, Gijsbetus van der Horst, from the Erasmus University Medical Centre, in the Netherlands, said.

    Dr Michael Hastings, from the UK's Medical Research Council, told the BBC: "I consider this study to give the definitive experimental proof, in mouse models, that circadian [body clock] disruption can accelerate the development of breast cancer.

    "The general public health message coming out of my area of work is shift work, particularly rotational shift work is a stress and therefore it has consequences.

    "There are things people should be looking out for - pay more attention to your body weight, pay more attention to inspecting breasts, and employers should offer more in-work health checks.

    "If we're going to do it, then let's keep an eye on people and inform them."

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