(자아성장/동영상) The Stages of Self Awareness 자기 알아차림의 단계 (영문자료)사람되기/성장 2015. 7. 30. 13:23
출처: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DYv7pB6dnE
The Stages of Self Awareness
게시일: 2013. 4. 4.learn more about what self awareness is here: http://www.embracingyourlifetoday.com...
Today, I thought I would share the stages people go through as they develop greater self-awareness. This is really important to creating the changes that you really want to see in your life.
As we grow, we develop greater awareness in various areas of our lives. In fact, different areas are at different stages of development.
These stages include:
Denial/ Blame
Awareness of Action
Awareness of thoughts and beliefs
Awareness of values and principles
Awareness of our Identity
Awareness of our Higher Self
Awareness of Atonement - our divine connection.
Our programs at Embracing Your Life Today focus on getting you to and through the stage of awareness of your personal identity. Focusing on this part can actually help you bypass the lower stages, but you need to go through this one in order to elevate to higher levels of awareness.'사람되기 > 성장' 카테고리의 다른 글
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