(중국) 스팽글로 치장한 쇼걸의 이야기와 상하이 당국의 검열국제문제/중국 2015. 8. 20. 17:02
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-33960532
8 hours ago: August 20, 2015
A showgirl's story of sequins and censorship in Shanghai 스팽글을 단 쇼걸의 이야기와 상하이 당국의 검열
The club combined burlesque, Moulin Rouge and vaudeville in homage to the city's pre-Communist past 이 클럽에서는 과거 공산화 되기 이전의 도시에 경의를 표하는 차원에서 볼레스크(풍자시나 극), 물랑루즈와 보드빌(노래, 춤, 곡예, 촌극 등 다양한 볼거리로 꾸며진 공연)을 공연했다.
If the strangeness of opening a burlesque club in China had not occurred to Amelia Kallman and Norman Gosney as a Buddhist cleansing ceremony took place in their future venue, it certainly did when they found themselves submitting Frank Sinatra lyrics to be vetted by the local cultural department.
The couple opened the first cabaret nightclub of its kind in Shanghai in 2010. 부부는 2010년 상하이에 최초의 캬바레式 나이크클럽을 열었다.
And the story of their rise and fall is now a stage show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. 이들의 흥망성쇄에 대한 얘기가 에딘버그 프린지 페시티발의 무대에서 지금 상연되고 있다.
"It's a cautionary tale" says Kallman. "And a love story". "이는 충고성 얘기이면서 러브스토리이다."
At first officials were pleased to welcome the club in the hope it would bring business to the district 처음에 관리들은 이 나이트클럽이 자기들 지역에 돈을 벌어다 줄거라는 기대에 클럽을 환영하였다.
She and her impresario husband and fellow performer Gosney, originally from Bristol, left New York where they had had success with a speakeasy and burlesque club to chase their fortunes in China in 2007. 그녀와 기획자인 남편 그리고 동료 공연가 고스니는 본래 브리스톨 출신으로 2007년 중국에서 성공을 일구내겠다는 일념하에 주류밀매와 볼레스크로 떼돈을 벌었던 뉴욕을 떠났다.
"We saw China as the next big super-power and Shanghai was the next big city. We wanted to be the ice-breaker, to be the first to do this in Asia." "우리는 중국이 뉴욕 다음으로 큰 수퍼파워가 있다고 보았고 상해는 대도시였다. 우리는 어색함을 깨는 사람, 즉 아시아에서 이런 사업을 처음으로 하는 사람이 되길 원했다."
A former Japanese Buddhist temple built in 1931 became their three-floor venue and a chorus line of six women hired to perform a combination of burlesque, Moulin Rouge and vaudeville referencing the city's reputation as the Paris of the East in the 1920s and 1930s. 1931년 지어진 일본 불교사찰이 그들의 3층 건물 클럽이 되었고, 1920년대 1930년대 동양의 파리라는 명성이 자자했던 상해를 보여주는 볼레스크, 물랑루즈, 보드빌을 조합한 공연을 하기 위해 6명의 여성들이 고용되었다.
At first, the authorities were fully supportive of the endeavour, says Kallman. 처음에, 당국에선 완전히 우리 사업에 협조적이었다.
"They wanted us to do it, to bring business to the district, to bring more foreigners." 그들은 우리가 그렇게 공연하여 사업체가 그 지역에 진출하고 더 많은 외국인들이 들어오기 원했다.
The venue won an award for best new club
There were certain hurdles to overcome first. 그렇지만 넘어야 할 장애물들도 물론 있었다.
Shanghai already had clubs where you could find scantily-clad dancers, and officials needed assurance the dancers would comply with China's rules against public nudity.
"We were always very aware we had to respect the rules and culture.
"Everything was classy and sophisticated," adds Kallman.
Amelia Kallman sings Anything Goes in Chinese as part of her Chinatown act
Then there was the cleansing ceremony to ensure the spirits of the dead were not displeased with the former temple becoming an entertainment venue.
A plush renovation was also needed.
After two years, the club called Chinatown opened to much fanfare and officials endorsed it by bringing their friends, says Kallman.
Fridays and Saturdays were popular with foreigners and they adapted mid-week shows to particularly appeal to a Chinese audience with "half the show in Mandarin and more pratfalls," explains Gosney.
The club went on to have full houses, appeared in a programme with Piers Morgan and won an award for best new nightclub. But it was soon after that that things changed, says Kallman.
Shanghai's Cultural Department said it received a complaint.
"They sent five people one night to look at the show."
At the end of the performance, it was a section featuring Sid Vicious in homage to Malcolm McLaren who had recently died, that rankled with a female official, perhaps fearing a subversive subtext.
"The acts hadn't been previously translated and videotaped so in her eyes they were illegal because not approved by the Chinese government."
It is a requirement that has beset the top performers in the world when performing in China, including the Rolling Stones.
Kallman and Gosney found themselves having to submit translations of the lyrics of every number they were going to sing two weeks prior to show night. With new shows each week it was an arduous task.
Immodesty and the news 선정성과 뉴스
- A man who sunbathed naked on a beach in the resort city of Sanya in south China popular with naturists was jailed for five days in February 2014. 자연주의자(나체주의자)에게 유명한 중국 남부의 산야市 리조트에 있는 물가에서 나체로 일광욕을 하던 남자가 2014년 2월 5일간 구금되었다.
- In January, popular television drama The Empress of China was re-edited to get rid of the plunging necklines featured in the show. 1월, 인기있는 TV 드라마 중국의 여황제가 방영 때 가슴이 다 드러나는 옷을 입을 출연자들이 안 나오도록 재편집되었다.
Many in China feel the authorities have gone too far in censoring The Empress of China, as John Sudworth reports
- State-run People's Daily profiled China's national pole dance team in May. 5월에, 인민일보는 중국국가대표팀 폴댄스팀의 프로필을 작성했다.
- In June, pictures of a naked model straddling a marble dragon head in Beijing's Forbidden City were widely criticised. 6월에, 북경의 자금성에 있는 대리석 용의 머리에 나체 모델이 올라 앉아 있는 몇 장의 사진들이 여론의 비판을 받았다.
Soon, there were arguments over the amount of midriff on show.
"We had an act with a wonderful guy in drag trying to emulate the girls. It was full of double entendres. At the end of it they [the officials] said they wanted to ban the midriff, and especially his midriff.
"It was so obviously comedic," says Gosney.
"Problems arose because we are foreigners used to saying what we think and we have art so we can express ourselves. Our freedom is ingrained in us.
"They saw that as a challenge, says Kallman.
Gosney claims bribes became commonplace, government-run banks would remove the business's credit and that charges were made up against them.
"It was the death of a thousand cuts. It became aggressive and scary," reflects Kallman.
Eventually, they say, they were tipped off that manufactured bribery charges were going to be brought against them.
"We found out they'd frozen our bank accounts. We took the money from the till and went to Bali. They raided our home, our office and the club," says Kallman.
She says they were warned they must not return to China. Back in the UK, she wrote a book about the experience, Diary of a Shanghai Showgirl - there has never been any comment on these claims.
Ultimately, Gosney thinks China has a long way to go in terms of creativity.
"If you are making toilet fittings you have to go to Shanghai but if you are doing something new they don't see how to make money out of it."
He advises anyone with similar ambitions to go to Detroit instead where they will have a fairer chance, but he concedes, "We did brilliant work there. We loved our time."
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