- 5 hours ago
(아시아) 미국 정찰기 P-8 싱가포르에 배치국제문제/아시아 2015. 12. 8. 19:30
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35036220
US P-8 spy plane deployed to Singapore 미국 정찰기 싱가포르에 배치
As well as surveillance, the plane is designed for long-range anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare 이 정찰기는 감시 기능 외에도, 장거리 대잠수함전이나 대해상전을 위해 만들어진 기종이다.
The United States has deployed a US P-8 Poseidon spy plane to Singapore for the first time. 미국은 P-8 포세이돈 정찰기를 처음으로 싱가포르에 배치했다.
It is the latest in a series of US military actions seen as a response to China's increasingly assertive claims over territory in the South China Sea. 이번 조치는 미국의 일련의 군사작전 중 최근의 조치이며, 남중국해상에서 고조되는 중국의 영토 주장에 대한 대처책으로 보인다.
The Boeing plane will be based in Singapore for a week.
American P-8s already operate from Japan and the Philippines, and surveillance flights have also taken off from nearby Malaysia. 동 기종은 이미 일본과 필리핀에서 활동하고 있으며, 그 밖에도 감시 비행기들도 역시 말레이시아 근처로부터 날아오르고 있다.
The US complained a Chinese jet flew dangerously close to a P-8 in August 2014
The agreement, which also covered co-operation on counter-terrorism, fighting piracy, and disaster relief, was announced after a meeting in Washington on Monday between US Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Singapore Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen.
Further P-8 deployments to the South East Asian city-state are expected.
China claims almost the entire South China Sea, putting it in territorial dispute with several countries, including Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia, among others. It has been building islands, equipped with runways, at breakneck pace.
China also has a separate dispute with Japan over islands in the East China Sea.
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