- 23 January 2016
- Europe
(유럽/폴란드) 폴란드 정부의 민간인 사찰법안에 분노한 시민들국제문제/유럽 2016. 1. 24. 14:29
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35392526
Poland surveillance law plan angers protesters 폴란드 민간인 사찰법안이 시민들을 분노케 하다
Thousands of Poles have taken part in marches in Warsaw and other cities to protest about plans of the conservative government, which they say will curtail privacy and freedom.
Protesters shouted "democracy" and waved banners criticising planned changes to laws on surveillance.
The measures would expand government access to digital data and allow for greater surveillance by police.
The EU is investigating whether the new legislation violates its standards.
The conservative Law and Justice Party was elected with a majority last October - the first time since democracy was restored in 1989 that a single party won a mandate to govern alone.
'Privacy under threat'
"We want to keep our democracy and freedom," one of the organisers said.
"Our privacy, intimacy is under threat, we can be followed, watched over both in our homes, and online," Mateusz Kijowski, leader of the Committee for the Defence of Democracy, told the protesters.
One banner carried in Warsaw read: "You're supposed to listen, not listen in." 정부는 남의 말을 잘 들어야 할 입장이지, 남의 말을 엿듣는 입장이 아니다.
Another sign said "Happy New Year 1984", an apparent reference to the authoritarian state portrayed in George Orwell's novel 1984.
In Warsaw, the estimated 10,000-strong crowd gathered in front of the office of Prime Minister Beata Szydlo before marching to the palace of President Andrzej Duda.
The EU is carrying out a preliminary assessment of whether curbs to the power of the constitutional court and moves to put public media under government control violate the bloc's principle of the rule of law.
Ms Szydlo told EU lawmakers this week that her government had not breached EU or Polish laws and had a mandate to overhaul the country's laws.
** 기사에 대한 소감 **
1. 지금 전세계적으로 폴란드만이 아니라 영국도 그렇고, 촘스키의 책 <Because We Say So>에 의하면, 많은 나라가 authoritarianism(권위주의)로 회귀하고 있다. 폴란드도 그 중 하나인 것으로 보인다. 위 기사에서는 왜 사찰을 법제화 하려는지 그 이유는 밝히지 않고 있다.
2. 그래서 우리는 전세계 국가들의 민간인 사찰을 법제화하려는 움직임에서 권위주의를 엿볼 수 있고, 이런 세계적 움직임에 주목하고 경계할 필요가 있다.
3. 위 기사 중 인상적인 문구:You're supposed to listen, not listen in (정부는 남의 말을 잘 들어야 할 입장이지 남의말을 엿듣는 입장이 아니다.)
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