- 27 January 2016
- Business
(비지니스) 다국적 기업의 법인세 회피 등 조세회피 문제 다룬 협약에 OECD 31개국이 서명아름다운 인생/비지니스 2016. 1. 29. 18:44
출처: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-35420450
OECD deal on corporate tax avoidance signed by 31 nations 다국적 기업의 법인세 회피 등 조세회피 문제를 다룬 협약에 OECD 31개국이 서명
Rules to stop companies using complex tax arrangements to avoid paying corporate tax have been agreed by 31 OECD members. 다국적 기업들이 법인세 납부를 회피하고자 복잡한 세무처리를 더 이상 못하도록 하는 규정들에 31개 OECD 회원국이 동의했다
They will make it harder for firms to hide money in tax havens or play one country's tax authority against another.
Firms such as Google, Amazon and Facebook must now pay tax in the country where the profits are made. 구글, 아마존, 페이스북과 같은 다국적 기업들은 수익이 발생하는 국가에서 이제부터 세금을 납부해야 한다.
The move follows public anger at the tax practices of some multinationals.
Google's deal to pay £130m to the UK's HM Revenue and Customs in back taxes for the past decade has seen it widely criticised for not paying its fair share of corporate tax.
The agreement between 31 nations, including France and the UK, is about sharing information rather than a new law or tax. 프랑스와 영국을 포함한 31개 회원국들의 협약은 새로 만든 세법이 아니라 (서로 합의한 규정들에 대한)정보를 공유하는 것이라 볼 수 있다.
Getty Images
OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría said the agreement would have "an immediate impact in boosting international co-operation on tax issues, by enhancing the transparency of multinational enterprises' operations". 다국적 기업활동의 투명성을 강화하고자,
The agreement was hammered out at a meeting of the G20 last year, after growing anger at the ways in which large multinationals were minimising tax. 대규모 다국적기업들이 납부해야 할 세금을 축소하는 현상에 대한 대중의 분노가 커지자,작년 G20 정상회담에서 이와 같은 협약이 타결되었던 것이다.
The new rules mean that international companies will have to tell the country they operate in what they make in that nation and how much tax they pay. 협약 안에 담긴 새 조항들에 의하면, 다국적 기업들은 활동하는 국가에 자신들이 무엇을 만들어냈는지 그리고 얼마나 세금을 납부할 것이지 고지하게 딘다.
That information will be available to every other country that has signed up to the agreement.
French concern
The row over Google's £130m payment has lead to European MPs calling on the Chancellor, George Osborne, to explain the "very bad deal" that UK tax authorities have struck with search giant.
The French finance minister, Michel Sapin expressed his concern.
'It's great that Google resolves its problems in the UK, but Google also has to sort out its problems in France," he said.
"French law applies in France and that's what we are looking at with Google. However we do not want to reach a one-off agreement, agree on a lump sum.
We are looking at what activity a particular company has in France, so that we can request a fair amount of tax. Not more nor less than other companies."
Members of the European Parliament have also voiced concern about the UK deal with Google. It is understood they will ask Mr Osborne to come to Brussels to explain the settlement.
** 이 기사를 통해 유추할 수 있는 사실들 **
1. 다국적 기업들이 그 동안 얼마나 많이 조세회피를 해왔는가 하는 점.
2. 오죽했으면 OECD 31개 회원국 정부들이 나서서 다국적 기업들의 조세회피를 막고자 협약을 맺었나 하는 점.
3. 한국의 대표적 다국적 기업들의 이름은 기사에 등장하지 않았으나, 다른 나라의 다국적 기업들처럼 조세회피를 그 동안 많이 해왔겠구나 하는 점.
4. 다국적 기업들이나 대기업들의 조세회피 혹은 납부할 세금을 축소하여 납부하는 것은 전세계적 현상이라는 점.
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