- 4 February 2016
- Business
(비지니스) 제약기업 前CEO 마틴 슈크렐리Martin Shkreli 의회를 조롱하다아름다운 인생/비지니스 2016. 2. 5. 12:41
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-35496380
Martin Shkreli, ex-drug CEO, mocks Congress amid inquiry
Martin Shkreli refused to answer questions in Congress
Martin Shkreli, former head of Turing Pharmaceuticals, refused to answer questions at a US congressional hearing on the company's drug pricing policy.
He invoked his constitutional right against self-incrimination, but sniggered through questions from representatives.
Congress is investigating Turing's 5,000% price increase of a drug, Daraprim, used by many AIDS patients.
Mr Shkreli asked Congress for immunity last month in return for his testimony.
The Federal Trade Commission is also investigating whether Turing violated anti-trust laws when it raised the price of Daraprim.
Public outrage
Turing purchased the patent to Daraprim for $50m in July, but the company and its outspoken former CEO rose to public attention in August when price of a single dose jumped from 13.50 (£9.22) to $750.
Politicians, including Democratic presidential candidate Hilary Clinton criticised the company for the increase. Mrs Clinton called Turing's move "outrageous" and called it "price gouging".
In response Mr Shkreli said the media and politicians did not understand the pharmaceutical industry.
The industry's main lobbying group, PhRMA, also spoke out against Turing's actions. In a statement PhRMA said that Turing "does not represent the values of PhRMA member companies."
Other members of the pharmaceutical industry, including the head of Valeant Pharmaceuticals, were also asked to testify. Valeant increased the price of Isuprel, a drug used to treat slow heart rate by 500% and Nitropress used to treat hypertension by 200%.
After the hearing Mr Shkreli's attorney told reporters that Mr Shkreli, a former hedge fund manager, was a "brilliant scientist who had saved many lives."
Mr Shkreli who is active on social media had already tweeted he would not answer questions.
Before the hearing Maryland Representative Elijah Cummings called the decision to invoke his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination a "juvenile tactic".
At the hearing Representative Cummings said, "You can go down as the poster boy for greedy drug company executives, or you can change the system."
After the hearing Mr Shkreli returned to Twitter to call the members of Congress "imbeciles".
Turing's chief commercial officer Nancy Retzlaff did answer Congress's questions.
She told the House hearing that Turing acquired Daraprim because it was "priced far below its market value" and that the company planned to invest the profits from the price hike into research and development of new treatments.
Mr Shkreli stepped down as the head of Turing in December following his arrest on separate charges. The Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission have charged him with defrauding investors at a company he previously ran and a hedge fund he managed.
** 가사 요약 및 개인적 소감 **
1. 의회 청문회에서 의원들이 Turing사가 에이즈 환자들이 복용하는 약 <Daraprim>의 가격을 무려 5,000% 인상한 것을 조사하는 자리였다.
2. Martin Shkreli 마틴 슈크렐리 저 친구 정말 어처구니없다. 어떻게 미의회 청문회에 나가서 의원들이 묻는 몇 가지 질문에 단 한 가지도 답변을 회피할 수 있는지 모르겠다. 저 친구가 저렇게 무례한 것은 다 저 친구에게 조언을 해주고 있는 그 기업의 Council이 있어서 이다. Turing이 악덕기업이 아니고 뭔가?
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