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- US Election 2016
(미국) 힐러리 클린턴과 버니 샌더스 논쟁에서 옥신각신하다국제문제/북미 2016. 3. 10. 14:25
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-35770200
US election 2016: Clinton and Sanders spar in Florida debate (spar: 스파링하다, 옥신각신하다)
Hillary Clinton (right) this week increased her overall lead over Bernie Sanders Democratic Party presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have sparred over immigration and other issues during a debate in Florida. (hopeful: 형용사로 희망적인 희망에 찬, 명사로 희망을 품은 사람)
The televised event in Miami took place just days before the next round of primaries, including Florida. (primary: 예비선거)
With 246 delegates at stake, the southern state is the biggest prize. (at stake: 성패가 달린, 위험한)
On 8 March, Mr Sanders had a surprise victory in Michigan, but Hillary Clinton increased her overall lead with a big Mississippi win.
In the Republican race on the same day, Donald Trump won three more states (Michigan, Mississippi and Hawaii) in his bid to win the Republican nomination. (bid=attempt 노력, 시도)
Ted Cruz won a Republican-only race in Idaho.
The states were the latest to choose candidates to compete in November's presidential election.
US media: Has Sanders changed Democratic race?
What will Americans do if Trump wins?
Election results - as they come in
'Akin to slavery' '노예제와 흡사한' (akin to ~: ~와 유사한 흡사한)
During the Miami debate, former Secretary of State Mrs Clinton criticised Vermont Senator Mr Sanders for voting against an immigration reform back in 2007.
"Just think, imagine where we would be today if we had achieved comprehensive immigration reform nine years ago," she said.
Mr Sanders responded by saying he had concerns about the treatment of guest workers. The proposed programme was "akin to slavery", he said.
He also said that Mrs Clinton was against allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licences.
Analysis: BBC's Anthony Zurcher in Miami
It's been only three days since their last debate, but all it took for the political fortunes in the Democratic presidential race to change dramatically was one day of voting in Michigan.
Thanks to Bernie Sanders' shocking - albeit narrow - upset win in that state's primary on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton went from exuding confidence on Sunday night in Flint to acknowledging on Wednesday evening in Miami that she's "not a natural politician".
Mr Sanders, with a new lease on political life, went on the attack early against the former secretary of state. He implied that she had something to hide by not releasing transcripts of paid speeches to Wall Street firms and that she is in the pocket of big business.
The Vermont senator did find himself on the defensive when the topic turned to his past praise for communist governments in Cuba and Nicaragua, but the story of the night was how Mrs Clinton handled her recent adversity. Often she has seemed most sympathetic when showing vulnerability.
Now the waiting game begins. Can Mr Sanders build on his Michigan win next Tuesday when Florida, Ohio and several other states vote?
Those results will go a long way in determining whether Michigan was a blip or the start of a prolonged Sanders surge.
Nearly two million Hispanics live in Florida, and their support will play a big role in the 15 March primary. (primary: 예비선거)
Florida is home to nearly 1.8 million Hispanics, including about 15 percent of the state's Democrats.
The two rivals also discussed job creation, education and climate change.
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