
  • (미국) 미국대선: 루비오와 트럼프 논쟁
    국제문제/북미 2016. 3. 11. 18:13

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/election-2016-35781225

    US election 2016: Trump and Rubio row over Islam 'hate' (row over~: ~를 놓고 언쟁 논쟁하다)

    Media captionTrump said there is a "serious problem" with Muslim hatred

    Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio has attacked Donald Trump for saying that Islam hates America, in a televised debate in Miami. 공화당 대선 주자 마르코 루비오는 마이애미에서 TV로 중계된 토론회에서 도날드 트럼프가 이슬람 신도들이 미국을 싫어한다고 말한 바에 대해 공격했다. (hopeful: 희망하는 자)

    Mr Rubio, who faces a do-or-die contest in Florida on Tuesday, said Islam had a problem with radicalisation but said that many Muslims were proud Americans. (do-or-die: 형용사로 죽기 살기의, 죽느냐 사느냐의, 사활이 걸린 정도로 중요한) (be proud of~: ~을 자랑스럽게 여기다, 긍지로 여기다. of 라는 전치사가 빠진 것은 기사 작성자의 실수로 보여진다.)

    "Presidents can't just say whatever they want. It has consequences," he said, to cheers from the audience. "대통령은 대중으로부터 환호를 받기 위해 아무 생각이나 지껄일 수 없다. 왜냐하면 그 말에는 반드시 결과가 따르기 때문이다."  (이 말을 접하니, 누군가 떠오르는 건 왜 일까?)

    The four Republicans heeded pleas from party leaders to have a civil debate.

    Unlike in the last TV event, which was littered with personal insults, this one was more substantive with a focus on policy. (be littered with~: ~로 지저분해지다) (substantive: 실질적인)

    "So far, I cannot believe how civil it's been up here," Mr Trump observed at one point. (how civil: 시민의, 예의바른, 여기선 후자 즉 "정중한, 예의바른"의 의미로 쓰인 걸로 보임)

    But on the issue of Islam, there was clear distance between Mr Trump and the others. Mr Trump stood by comments he made earlier in the day when he said "Islam hates us, there's a tremendous hatred", and railed against political correctness. ((political correctness: 정치적 정당성 즉 차별적 언어와 행동을 피하는 원칙)

    But Mr Rubio said: "I'm not interested in being politically correct. I'm interested in being correct."

    Analysis: Anthony Zurcher, BBC News, Miami

    It's now clear that the remaining candidates in the Republican field have run out of ideas on how to stop Donald Trump's march to the Republican nomination.

    In early debates the top-tier candidates largely ignored the New York billionaire, hoping he'd self-destruct on his own. In the past few showdowns, they've gone after him relentlessly. (top-tier: 여러 층이나 단계의 최상층 혹은 최고 단계를 나타내는 형용사, 일류의) (self-distruct: 자폭하다, 못쓰게 되다) (on one's own: 자발적으로, 자기 스스로) (showdown: 결전, 대결) (go after: ~를 추적하다, 뒤쫓다)

    Now, in this 12th event, they started by avoiding confrontation, then prodded him only ever-so-gently. (prod: 손가락 등으로 쿡 찌르다)

    "I can't believe how civil it's been up here," Mr Trump said at one point.

    Given that Mr Trump has a lead in convention delegates and is ahead in many of the states set to vote on Tuesday, a fireworks-free debate is nothing but good news for the front-runner. (fireworks-free: 형용사로 격하게 내뱉는 말이 없는) (nothing but: 단지, 오직 ~ 일 뿐이다) (front-runner: 유력후보, 선두주자)

    While Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz tried to draw contrasts with Mr Trump on issues like foreign policy, trade protectionism and his reliance on anti-Islamic rhetoric, the enthusiasm just isn't there anymore. Mr Cruz, in particular, launched most of his barbs with sighs and head-shaking resignation, rather than ferocity. (draw contrasts with~: ~와 대조를 이루다, 차별성을 띄다) (foreign policy: 대외정책) (trade protectionism: 무역보호주의) (reliance on~: ~에 대한 의지) (anti-Islamic rhetoric: 反이슬람 미사여구) (barbs: 진통제, 최면제) (ferocity: 흉포한, 흉포한 행동)

    This race isn't over yet, but Thursday night's proceedings show that - barring some sort of massive upheaval - the end is likely in sight. (race: 경선) (bar: 잠그다, 막다, 금하다) (upheaval: 격변, 큰 변동) (in sight: 시야에 드러나다)

    Read Anthony's analysis in full

    Obama: 'Don't blame me for Trump'

    Who are the Muslims supporting Trump?

    All three of Mr Trump's rivals distanced themselves from Mr Trump's statement in December that in the fight against terrorist "you have to take out their families". (take out: 몸 안의 것을 빼내다, 누구를 데리고 나가 대접하다, 죽이다, 없애버리다.)

    Five large US states go to the polls on Tuesday to vote for their preferred presidential candidate in each party, with Ohio Governor John Kasich and Mr Rubio, a Florida senator, under pressure to win their home states. (prefer A to B: B보다 A를 더 좋아하다)

    Marco Rubio and Donald Trump

    Mr Trump picked up a key endorsement of Ben Carson, who last week dropped out of the race, hours before the debate.

    Debate highlights:

    • Mr Trump reaffirmed his opposition to H1-B visa programme, which allows US firms to employ highly skilled foreigners, saying "it's bad for our workers"
    • Mr Rubio said he would delay retirement until 68 to help address the $150bn social security shortfall
    • And he accused Mr Trump's numbers of "not adding up" because he said he could save social security by eliminating waste
    • Mr Cruz said he was going to build a wall, triple the border control and end welfare benefits for undocumented
    • Mr Trump said he would "make education great" and that former Republican candidate Ben Carson would be involved
    • And calling Vladimir Putin "strong" did not mean he was endorsing him as a good leader, said Mr Trump
    • Mr Kasich disagreed with Mr Rubio, who said he did not believe in manmade climate change (밝은 하늘: 기후변화가 인간이 초래한 문제가 아니라는 미국내 일부(예컨대 공화당 대선 주자 루비오 같은 사람)의 인식이 미국내와 세계에서 기후변화 문제에 미온적으로 대처하도록 만드는 원인 같아 보임. 루비오의 환경인식은 창피하게도 초딩 수준도 안 되는 것으로 보임.)

    The candidates also clashed over President Barack Obama's historic visit to Cuba next week.

    Mr Rubio, whose parents were Cuban immigrants, said he was opposed to efforts to restore relations with Cuba until it improved its human rights record.

    But Mr Trump said he was not opposed to a US-Cuba deal, but it should be on better terms for the US.

    The other Cuban-American candidate on the stage, Mr Cruz, accused Mr Trump of supporting the Obama-Clinton policy on Cuba.

    Marco Rubio
    Media caption'Hungry Hungry' Elephants: What's a brokered convention and will Republicans have one?

    Mr Trump, a billionaire businessman from New York with no political experience, has dominated the news, the polls and the state primary contests so far.

    On the Democratic side, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are battling for the party's nomination.

    Mrs Clinton is leading Mr Sanders in delegate counts so far, though his campaign has proved more formidable than expected.

    Both parties will determine their nominees at conventions in July, then Americans will pick their new president in November.

    The next votes

    15 March: Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio Primaries

    22 March: Arizona Primary, Utah Caucuses, Idaho Caucuses (Democratic)

    26 March: Alaska, Hawaii, Washington Caucuses (Democratic)

    1 April: North Dakota Caucuses (Republican)

    5 April: Wisconsin Primary

    9 April: Wyoming Caucuses (Democratic)

    19 April: New York Primary

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