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- US & Canada
(카나다) 카나다 마리화나 판매 합법화 움직임국제문제/북미 2016. 4. 21. 17:46
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36097561
Canada to push for making sale marijuana legal 카나다 대마초 판매 합법화 움직임
Supporters of legal marijuana smoked outside of Parliament Hill in Ottawa The Canadian government will introduce legislation next year that would make the sale of marijuana legal, its health minister has said. (legislation: 법제화, 합법화)
If enacted, the move would make Canada one of the largest Western countries to allow widespread use of the drug.
Health Minister Jane Philpott pledged on Wednesday to keep marijuana "out of the hands of children and profits out of the hands of criminals". (pledge: 약속하다)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pushed for legalisation during his campaign. (push for: 요구하다, 조르다)
The announcement coincided with 20 April - an unofficial holiday among cannabis advocates. Hundreds of marijuana users demonstrated outside Parliament in Ottawa on Wednesday. (cannabis: 발음 "캐너비스" 대마초)
Medical use of marijuana is already legal in Canada. Some have argued that legal marijuana would reduce stress on Canada's criminal justice system. (형사사법제: criminal justice system)
"We will work with law enforcement partners to encourage appropriate and proportionate criminal justice measures," Ms Philpott said. "We know it is impossible to arrest our way out of this problem." (law enforcement partners: 법집행당국, 사법당국)
The Canadian Parliament is expected to take up the legislation in the spring of 2017 However, Gerard Deltell, a legislator from Canada's opposition Conservatives, opposes the change, saying it would harm Canadians' health. (legislator: 입법자, 국회의원)
"That's one of the worst things you can do to Canadian youth - to open the door to marijuana," he told Reuters news agency.
Mr Trudeau has named Bill Blair, a former Toronto police chief, as the government's point person on legalisation. (point person=point man: 자문위원)
"We control who it's sold to, when it's sold and how it's used," Mr Blair said likening marijuana to how alcohol is regulated. "And organised crime doesn't have the opportunity to profit from it." (liken A to B: A를 B에 비유하다)
He stressed that marijuana would remain illegal in Canada while legislation is being discussed.
Ms Philpott said the exact details of the legislation are still being worked out.
In the US, voters in four states plus the District of Columbia have already legalised the recreational use of the drug in ballot initiatives.
In other parts of the US, however, the drug remains illegal.
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