- 8 March 2016
- Health
(건강) 지카 바이러스는 생각보다 많이 성적 접촉으로 전염된다아름다운 인생/건강 2016. 3. 11. 00:42
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-35757541
Zika virus: Sexual transmission 'more common than thought' 지카 바이러스는 생각했던 것보다 더 많이 성적 접촉으로 전염된다 (transmission: 전염, 전파) (more~than thought: 생각보다 더~한)
Zika is most commonly spread by mosquitoes, but several countries have now reported cases of sexual transmission 지카 바이러스는 일반적으로 모기가 전염하지만, 몇 몇 나라들에 의하면, 성적 접촉에 의해 전염된 사례에 대한 보고가 있다. (sexual transmission: 성적 접촉에 의한 전염) Sexual transmission of the Zika virus is more common than previously thought, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). (previously thought = previously assumed)
After an emergency committee meeting on Tuesday, the UN health agency also said there was increasing evidence of links between Zika and various birth defects. (defect: 결점, 결함, 흠)
Zika is most commonly spread by mosquitoes but several countries have reported cases of sexual transmission.
The WHO last month said the outbreak constitutes a global emergency.
WHO Director General Dr Margaret Chan said "reports and investigations in several countries strongly suggest that sexual transmission of the virus is more common than previously assumed". (WHO 현총재는 이름만 봐선 중국계 여성으로 보임) (previously assumed = previously thought)
She called the development "alarming". (현단계는 경고단계)
Dr Chan also said that microcephaly - a birth defect strongly linked to the Zika outbreak in Brazil - was just one of several conditions that the WHO had linked to the virus. (microcephaly: 小頭症)
More on the Zika crisis:
What you need to know Key questions answered about the virus and its spread
Key unanswered questions The many things we do not know about Zika
The mosquito behind spread of virus What we know about the insect
Abortion dilemma Laws and practices in Catholic Latin America
Another is Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). Nine countries have now reported an increase in cases of GBS, a rare condition that can cause temporary paralysis and death. (Guillain-Barre Syndrome: 길랭 바레 증후군: 바이러스 감염후 나타나는 다발성 신경염.)
Dr Chan said problems linked to Zika were now being seen not just in women of child-bearing age, but children, teenagers and older adults. (지카 바이러스 문제의 심각성은 임산부에게 국한된 문제에서 아동, 십대, 성인에게도 발병된다는 사실)
She said public health officials should not wait for definitive scientific proof of links between the virus and various health conditions before issuing guidance.
The WHO has advised pregnant women to avoid travelling to areas with ongoing Zika outbreaks, and to practice safe sex with anyone who has or abstain from sex for the duration of their pregnancy. (문장에 문법적 오류가 있는 것으로 보임)
"Women who are pregnant in affected countries or travel to these countries are understandably deeply worried," Dr Chan said.
The US is investigating more than a dozen possible cases of Zika in people who may have been infected through sex.
A vaccine for the Zika virus could be ready for human trials later this year, Dr Anthony Fauci, who is leading the US government's research programme, said last week.
Dr Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he hopes to start testing a DNA vaccine by September.
Zika symptoms may include:
- fever 발열
- joint pain 관절통
- rash 발진(뾰루지)
- conjunctivitis/red eyes 결막염/홍안
- headache 두통
- muscle pain 근육통
- eye pain 안통
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