- 5 hours ago
- Asia
(아시아/캄보디아) 캄보디아 총리 지지도 조작 위해 페이스북 가짜 계정 구매 의혹 부정국제문제/동남아 2016. 3. 18. 19:40
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35839701
Cambodian PM Hun Sen denies buying Facebook likes 캄보디아 총리 지지도 조작 위해 페이스북의 가짜 계정 구매 의혹 부정
Despite calling himself a digital dinosaur, Hun Sen has a big social media presence (digital dinosaur: 디지털 공룡, 즉 디지털과 거리가 먼 구세대) Cambodia's Prime Minister has denied buying fake likes for his Facebook page, after the opposition leader accused him of artificially boosting his popularity.
Hun Sen, 63, who calls himself a digital dinosaur posts frequent updates from his daily life.
His page - established in September - has 3.2 million likes.
Last week, the Phnom Penh Post reported that the majority of Hun Sen's recent likes were from foreign accounts.
The biggest single groups of likes came from Indian accounts (255,692), with significant numbers also from the Philippines (98,256), Myanmar (46,368), Indonesia (46,368) and several others, the Post reported.
Cambodia's political Facebook war heads to court
'I have been recognised by Indian people'
As well as their fierce political rivalry, Hun Sen and opposition leader Sam Rainsy, who lives in exile, are social media competitors too.
Both hope to win over the country's huge young electorate, which in 2013 voted largely for Mr Rainsy's Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), who narrowly lost the election, which they claimed was rigged. (rig: 부정한 방법으로 조작하다. be rigged: 조작되다)
Mr Rainsy's page has 2.3 million likes - significantly fewer than the prime minister, but most are from Cambodian accounts.
After the Phnom Penh Post report, the opposition leader accused Hun Sen of hiring foreigners to create fake accounts and increase the number of fans of his page.
Facebook: Sam Rainsy
Both sides spend money on legitimate ways to promote their pages (legitimate: 합법적인, 적법한, 정당한) Speaking at a university graduation on Thursday Hun Sen flatly denied this saying: "I don't know where those 'likes' are from." (flatly: 단호히 firmly)
Mr Rainsy was, he said, a "loser who doesn't agree to lose".
"If I could buy India, I must be really strong. But I am just happy that I, Hun Sen, have been recognised by Indian people and people in other countries as the Prime Minister of Cambodia," he added.
Although Facebook bans the practice and carries out periodic purges of fake accounts, it is possible to buy likes from so-called "click farms", where people are paid small sums to create fake accounts whose likes and follows are then sold. (ban: 금지하다) (purge: 조직에서 숙청하다, 제거하다. 명사로 숙청, 제거)
Celebrities, politicians and even a UK government minister have been accused of buying such social media approval. (celebrities: 유명인사들, 명사들)
** 기사에 대한 소감 **
캄보디아 야당 지도자 삼 레인시의 총리 훈센에 대한 비난이 사실인지 아닌 지는 모르겠으나, 가짜 계정을 사서 이용했을 가능성은 충분히 있어 보인다. 통치자 자신이 통치의 정당성이 딸리는 경우, 사회관계망 서비스를 악용해서라도 자신의 지지도를 조작한다는 것은 전세계적 현상이 아닐까 생각해본다.
'국제문제 > 동남아' 카테고리의 다른 글
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