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(아시아) 한국 총선 새누리 기존 위치 고수 희망국제문제/아시아 2016. 4. 13. 10:38
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-36031147
South Korea elections: Saenuri party looks to strengthen position (look to: 기대를 걸다. 기대하다.)
Voter turnout is estimated to be higher than usual (turnout: 참가자수, 투표자수) Voters in South Korea are electing a new National Assembly with the governing Saenuri party eager to strengthen its position in parliament.
The vote is seen as especially important for President Park Geun-hye, whose time in office has been hampered by legislative gridlock. (hamper: 방해하다) (입법부의 legislative/legislature; 사법부의 judicial/judiciary; 행정부의 administrative/administration) (gridlock: 정체교착상태)
Saenuri hopes to win the three-fifths of seats needed before bills can be introduced and passed by parliament. 새눌당의 희망사항은 5분의3의 의석을 얻는 것. 이유는 법안이 의회에 상정되어 통과되기 위해 필요한 의석수이기 때문.
The party currently holds only a slim majority in the chamber.
Voters are casting ballots at nearly 14,000 polling stations to elect 253 of 300 lawmakers. The remaining 47 proportional representation seats are allocated to parties according to the numbers of votes they receive overall.
The outcome of the vote is crucial for President Park Geun-hye AP
The main opposition Minju party held a series of rallies in Seoul ahead of the vote EPA
A two-day run of early voting took place last week President Park's administration will gain significant momentum if the governing party gains a majority of seats, The Korea Times reported, enabling it to push through labour and economic reforms before her term in office expires in about 20 months' time. (momentum: 탄력, 가속도)
Youth unemployment rose to 12.5% in February, much higher than the South Korean average rate of nearly 5%. At the same time all the main parties have promised measures to reduce poverty among the elderly.
There is speculation in the South Korean media that the polls could end the country's two-party system, as new parties challenge Saenuri and the main opposition Minju party, which in February set what appeared to be a new world record for a combined filibuster after speaking for 192 hours.
Voter turnout is estimated to be higher than in previous general elections, local pollsters told The Korea Times. (pollster: 여론조사원)
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