
(남미/베네주엘라) 베네주엘라 에너지 위기 대응책으로 공공부문 주2일 근무제 실시

밝은하늘孤舟獨釣 2016. 4. 27. 11:49

출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-36145184

Venezuela introduces two-day week to deal with energy crisis 베네주엘라 에너지 위기 대응책으로 공공부문 주2일 근무제 도입

A customer uses her phone's light to look at a dress at a store during a power cut in San Cristobal, in the state of Tachira, Venezuela, April 25, 2016Image copyrightReuters
Image captionShops have been operating without electricity for several hours a day because of power cuts introduced this year

Venezuela's government has imposed a two-day working week for public sector workers as a temporary measure to help it overcome a serious energy crisis.

Vice-President Aristobulo Isturiz announced that civil servants should turn up for work only on Mondays and Tuesdays until the crisis was over. (밝은 하늘: 베네주엘라 정부의 위기 대처는 적극적이다. 그리고 잘 한 처사이고, 시의적절한 대처라고 보인. 이 상황에서 국가기관 종사자 200만 이라는 소수 때문에 미적거리지 않았다. 위기대처 즉면에서 한국과 참 대조적이다.)

Venezuela is facing a major drought, which has dramatically reduced water levels at its main hydroelectric dam.

But the opposition has accused the government of mismanaging the crisis.

The measures announced on national television by Mr Isturiz affect two million public sector workers.

"There will be no work in the public sector on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, except for fundamental and necessary tasks," he said.

Waiting for rain

President Nicolas Maduro had already given most of Venezuela's 2.8 million state employees Fridays off during April and May, to cut down on electricity consumption.

He said Venezuela had been badly hit by the El Nino weather phenomenon and would return to normal when it started raining again.

"We are requesting international help, technical and financial aid to help revert the situation," he said. "We are managing the situation in the best possible way while we wait for the rains to return." (밝은 하늘: 도움이 필요할 때 도움을 요청할 줄 아는 것도 리더십의 중요한 한 요소.)

"Several countries in the region have been affected by the drought, caused by El Nino. But Venezuela has the highest domestic consumption of energy." 베네주엘라 외에도 여러 나라가 엘니뇨가 초래한 가뭄 때문에 고통을 받고 있으나, 베네주엘라가 이 나라들 중 가장 에너지 소비가 큰 나라임.

The government has already adopted a number of other measures to try to deal with the crisis. In February, shopping centres were told to reduce their opening hours and generate their own energy. 정부의 기타 대응책: 2월부터 쇼핑센터들은 영업시간 단축 및 자가 에너지 발전토록 함.

Electricity Minister Luis Motta looks at previously submerged land during an inspection at the Guri Dam in Bolivar state, Venezuela April 11, 2016Image copyrightReuters
Image captionElectricity Minister Luis Motta looks at the massive Guri Dam, virtually dry because of the drought

Earlier this week, the government put the clocks forward by half an hour to reduce demand for electricity in the early evening.

Last week, it announced it was introducing power cuts for four hours a day.

The power shortages have deepened the country's serious economic crisis.

Many businessmen and opposition politicians blame the energy crisis and shortages of basic goods on government economic mismanagement.

They say tough currency controls introduced in 2003 by the late president, Hugo Chavez, have only made this worse.

But Venezuela's economy has also been hit by a sharp fall in the price of its main export, oil.