- 23 May 2016
- Asia
(베트남) 왜 베트남은 미국 무기를 원하는가?국제문제/동남아 2016. 5. 24. 13:29
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-36360005
Why Vietnam wants US weapons
As US President Barack Obama announced the lifting of the decades-long embargo on sales of lethal weapons to Vietnam, he seemed at pains to explain the decision "was not based on China or any other considerations".
Yet his mention of China reveals some of the greatest security concerns brewing in Hanoi. (brew: 커피나 茶를 끓이다. brewing: 끓어오르는) 중국과 관련된 베트남의 안보문제.
Since a brief but bloody border war in 1979 that cost thousands of lives, Vietnam-China relations have been bumpy to say the least. From being Vietnam's biggest ally, ironically, in the war against the United States, China has increasingly been seen as a dominant, and at times, threatening neighbour. (bumpy: 울퉁불퉁한, 평탄지 않은) 월중(越中)관계가 호감에서 비호감으로 바뀜.
Recent tensions in the South China Sea have added to the growing mistrust. Vietnam protests against what it sees as excessive Chinese maritime claims and supports the court case brought against China by the Philippines. Not only does China's growing assertiveness in the area challenge Vietnam's sovereignty, it could greatly affect its fishery, oil and gas activities, too. 밝은 하늘: 중국의 위협: (1) 베트남 주권(베트남 영토)에 도전. (2) 베트남의 자연자원(어업, 석유, 천연가스)에 영향. 바로 이 점들이 베트남이 미국의 첨단 무기를 들여와 중국를 견제하려는 의도로 보임.
It is no secret that Vietnam is trying to boost its maritime defensive capability. Its largest arms contract to date with a foreign country was the $2bn purchase of six kilo-class submarines from Russia. (maritime defensive capability: 해양방어능력)
A large number of patrol and missile ships and fighter jets have also been purchased from Russia, as Vietnam's military spending more than doubled between 2004 and 2013. It is now the eighth largest importer of weapons in the world. 베트남은 현재 세계8위 무기수입국.
In the last few years Hanoi has also sought to expand its military ties with other countries, too, forging partnerships with Spain, the Netherlands and Israel to name a few.
Now the arms embargo has been lifted, Vietnam will be able to access the latest technologies and equipment the US military has to offer.
Beijing's new South China Sea islands
But many think it will be a while before Vietnamese-manned F-16s are seen patrolling the East Sea, which is how the Vietnamese refer to the South China Sea.
Before the Obama visit, senior Vietnamese defence officials repeatedly said they had no major plans to buy weapons from the US. Instead, they were looking to transfer technology and perhaps boost patrol capability.
In the immediate future this is unlikely to change, especially because of the US precondition that the sale of arms will depend on Vietnam's human rights commitments and will be considered case by case.
Alongside this, of course, is the fact that Vietnam doesn't have much money to spare, given its economic problems.
But the US announcement is being seen as a powerfully symbolic gesture - "proof that the US-Vietnam relationship has fully normalised", as Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang put it.
His counterpart seemed to agree, saying that his visit to Vietnam showed that "hearts can change and peace is possible".
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