- 13 June 2016
- Asia
(아시아/싱카포르) 싱가포르 뮤지컬 <레미제라블>에서 두 남자배우 간 키스장면 빠짐국제문제/아시아 2016. 6. 15. 15:24
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-36514318
Singapore cuts same-sex kiss from Les Miserables
Singapore Authorities said they would take action against the producers of the show, a global hit, for a breach of licensing (breach: 위반.) (license/licensing: 공연허가를 내주다) A kiss between two male actors in the musical Les Miserables in Singapore has been removed from the show, after complaints from the public. 대중들이 불평했다는 이유로, 뮤지컬 레미제라블에서 두 남자배우 간의 키스장면이 빠졌다.
The scene involved a brief peck on the lips during the song Beggars at the Feast. 문제가 된 장면은 딥키스가 아닌 단지 상대 입술에 살짝 이쪽의 입술을 댄 정도의 가벼운 입맞춤이었다. (peck: 가벼운 재빨리 하는 입맞춤) 밝은 하늘: 이 구절에서 유추 가능한 점은 가벼운 입맞춤조차 문제삼을 정도로싱가포르는 상당히 보수적인 사회라는 점이다.
After being told it violated its "General" rating, the producers decided to remove the kiss, the Media Development Authority (MDA) said.
The show's organisers said that the scene was intended to be comical. 문제가 된 그 키스 장면은 관객에게 웃음을 선사하려는 의도였다고 제작자는 말함.
"The inclusion of the same-sex kiss was not highlighted in the script when it was submitted to MDA for classification. The performance was thus given a 'General' rating," MDA said. "MDA will take action against this breach of licensing conditions."
Since 3 June the scene has been adapted to exclude the kiss, Moses Lye, head of MediaCorp VizPro, the organiser of the musical told local media.
It comes after a row in Singapore over foreign companies sponsoring an annual gay rights rally called Pink Dot which took place on 4 June.
On 8 June, Singapore authorities warned it would take steps to make clear that foreign firms "should not fund, support or influence such events". The rally is sponsored by companies including JPMorgan, Google and Barclays.
Gay rights in Singapore is a fraught issue and recent years have seen courts upholding a law criminalising sex between adult men. (fraught issue: 안 좋은 이슈) 동성애자 인권은 싱가포르에서 달갑지 않은 이슈 중 하나.
Singapore's vocal Christian community has also expressed its opposition to events such as Pink Dot and support for what it calls traditional family values.
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