- 8 June 2016
- Asia
(아시아/파키스탄) 부모 허락 없이 결혼했다고 친딸을 불태워 죽인 파키스탄 엄마국제문제/아시아 2016. 6. 12. 19:24출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-36479386
Pakistan: Mother 'burnt her daughter to death' over marriage
Zeenat Rafiq, pictured here on her marriage certificate, wed Hassan Khan last week Police in the Pakistani city of Lahore have arrested a woman suspected of murdering her daughter for marrying without family consent.
Police say the body of Zeenat Rafiq shows signs of torture. She was doused with fuel and set alight. (doused with: ~로 적시다)
Her mother Parveen is accused of luring her back from her in-laws. (lure: 꾀다, 유혹하다)
It is the third such case in a month in Pakistan, where attacks on women who go against conservative rules on love and marriage are common. 파키스탄에선 사랑과 결혼에 대한 전통을 준수하지 않는 여성에 가해지는 폭력이 흔하다.
Last week a young school teacher, Maria Sadaqat, was set on fire in Murree near Islamabad for refusing a marriage proposal. She died of her injuries.
Maria Sadaqat suffered burns all over her body and died three days later A month earlier village elders near Abbottabad ordered the murder of a teenage girl who was burnt to death because she helped a friend to elope, police said. (elope: 눈이 맞아 달아나다)
Zeenat Rafiq, who was 18, had been burnt and there were signs of torture and strangulation, police told BBC Urdu. A post mortem examination may establish if she was still alive when she was set on fire. (strangulation: 교살, 목졸라 죽임) (a post mortem examination: 사후 검시)
Police Superintendent Ibadat Nisar said officers were looking for her brother who is on the run". Her mother was found in the house with the body.
"Her mother has confessed to the crime but we find it hard to believe that a 50-year-old woman committed this act all by herself with no help from the family members," he said.
Neighbours contacted authorities after hearing screaming, but Ms Rafiq was already dead by the time police arrived, BBC reporter Saba Eitizaz says.
Hassan Khan said his wife's family had "lured her back", promising a wedding reception (lure her back: 돌아오라고 꼬시다) Ms Rafiq and her husband, Hassan Khan, married a week ago through the courts after eloping. They went to live with his family.
"When she told her parents about us, they beat her so severely she was bleeding from her mouth and nose," Mr Khan told BBC Urdu.
"Her family lured her back, promising reconciliation and a proper wedding reception. She was afraid, she said 'they are not going to spare me'. She didn't want to go but my family convinced her. How were we to know they would kill her like this?"
Attitudes 'unchanged'
Nearly 1,100 women were killed by relatives in Pakistan last year in so-called honour-killings, the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) says. Many more cases go unreported.
Violence against women by those outside the family is also common.
Najam U Din, a joint director of the HRCP, said that societal attitudes had not changed in line with greater education and freedom for young women.
"So when women become more assertive, more reluctant to be content with submissive survival within the family - for example when they insist on studying further, or when they want to take independent decisions about themselves - then the society does not allow it."
Activists demanded an end to gender-related violence on International Women's Day in March Protests over new law
Punjab province, where the two latest attacks happened, passed a landmark lawin February criminalising all forms of violence against women.
However, more than 30 religious groups, including all the mainstream Islamic political parties, threatened to launch protests if the law was not repealed. (repeal: 페지하다, 취소하다)
The Council of Islamic Ideology, which advises the government, then proposed making it legal for husbands to "lightly beat" their wives. It was criticised as a result.
Religious groups have equated women's rights campaigns with promotion of obscenity. They say the new Punjab law will increase the divorce rate and destroy the country's traditional family system. (obscenity: 음란, 외설)
** 기사에 대한 소감 **1. 전통을 따르지 않았다고 자식을 불에 태워죽인 엄마와, 사랑하는 남자와 가족의 동의 없이 결혼했다는 이유로 얻어 맞고 불에 태워 죽임을 당한 딸의 기구한 사연은 아직도 이 세상이 얼마나 깝깝한가 잘 보여준다. 여성이 여성에게 더 폭력적일 수 있음을 보여주는 사례이다. 그래서 변화하는 세상에 대한 인식이 여성이나 남성들에게 필요하다. 불합리한 전통에 대해 의문을 제기할 수 있어야 한다. 특히 학교에서 질문하는 법을, 비판적 사고를 하는 법을 학생들에게 가르쳐야 한다. 그런데 어느 사회의 권력층이나 지도층은 이런 교육을 달가워하지 않는다는데 문제의 핵심이 있다. 서구사회라고 안 그럴 거 같은데 그렇지 않다. 노암 촘스키의 책을 보면, 미국사회의 지도층도 이런 비판적 사고를 기르는 교육을 원하지 않는다.'국제문제 > 아시아' 카테고리의 다른 글
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