
  • (비지니스) 테크놀로지 중독은 직장생활에 불필요한 스트레스를 주는 것일까?
    아름다운 인생/비지니스 2016. 6. 15. 15:46

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-36517644

    Is tech addiction making us far more stressed at work?

    Woman tearing her hair outImage copyrightTHINKSTOCK

    We are the distracted generations, wasting hours a day checking irrelevant emails and intrusive social media accounts. (intrusive: 침해하는, 거슬리는)

    And this "always on" culture - exacerbated by the smartphone - is actually making us more stressed and less productive, according to some reports. (exacerbate: 악화시키다)

    "Something like 40% of people wake up, and the first thing they do is check their email," says Professor Sir Cary Cooper of Manchester Business School, who has studied e-mail and workplace stress.

    "For another 40%, it's the last thing they do at night."

    The Quality of Working Life 2016 report from the Chartered Management Institute earlier this year found that this obsession with checking emails outside of work hours is making it difficult for many of us to switch off.

    Man in bed using phoneImage copyrightTHINKSTOCK
    Image captionDo you check your emails first thing in the morning and last thing at night?

    And this is increasing our stress levels.

    So what can we do about it?

    Smarter working

    The more enlightened firms have been stepping in to help. In 2012, Volkswagen began shutting off employees' email when they are off shift.

    Daimler has allowed its workers to have all the work emails they receive while on holiday automatically erased. And France's new labour law, enacted a few weeks ago, encourages all companies to take similar measures.

    Dave Coplin, Microsoft UK's chief envisioning officer, believes artificial intelligence tools will learn when we are busy and block alerts, waiting until we're less busy before bringing us the most relevant or interesting messages.

    Dave CoplinImage copyrightMICROSOFT
    Image captionMicrosoft's Dave Coplin says artificial intelligence will help us cope with "deluges of information"

    "The idea is to develop tools that help us knife and fork our way through deluges of information," he says.

    Much of Microsoft's work centres on its personal assistant, Cortana.

    Other firms are experimenting with social media-style messaging in an attempt to escape the tyranny of email.

    Self help

    Some tech firms believe monitoring our computer behaviour is a first step in seizing back control of our work-life balance.

    Robby Macdonell from Nashville Tennessee, founded tech start-up RescueTime because he was so frustrated not knowing where his days were going. He was being distracted too easily.

    "These alerts are very well designed to capture your attention and stimulate the parts of your brain that say, 'I have to react to this right now'," he says.

    RescueTime screengrabImage copyrightRESCUETIME
    Image captionRescueTime helps users monitor their productivity and filter out distractions

    He developed a program to monitor how much time we spend on each application and give users the ability to block certain programs for set periods of time.

    Similarly, Dajia Zhu from Hangzhou in eastern China, wrote the StayFocused app to help himself and others be honest about how much time they were devoting to work tasks, as opposed to web browsing or messing about on social media.

    "I started to write the app since I needed to overcome my procrastination," he says. (procrastination: 질질 끌기, 미루기)

    Woman being bombarded with devicesImage copyrightTHINKSTOCK
    Image captionDigital tech has made it more difficult to balance work and leisure time

    And if you find working in an open-plan office distracting, you can always try ChatterBlocker, an app that plays sounds to neutralise office ambient noise.

    "Personally, I'm easily distracted if other people are talking while I'm trying to focus," says the app's developer, Earl Vickers.

    Sweating the small stuff

    Wearable technology offers another way to help us manage our stress at work, according to some people.

    Since January, Professor Michael Segalla has offered an iHealth activity and cardiac tracker to every MBA student at the HEC Paris management school.

    The gadgets gather data every 10 minutes from each student - heart rate, blood oxygen levels, sleeping patterns - which can then be viewed on a dashboard. (dashboard: 승용차의 계기판, 계기판)

    Woman meditating on deskImage copyrightTHINKSTOCK
    Image captionIs "mindfulness" a low-tech way to deal with hi-tech stress?

    Along with the biometric data, students are being asked online how stressed and happy they feel. The idea is to see how perceived wellbeing and biotracking data affect academic performance.

    "It is a sad fact that firms are probably spending more money on monitoring the physical state of machines than they are on monitoring the physical health and wellbeing of employees," says Prof Segalla.

    He admits that making this type of physical information available to instructors and supervisors is an invasion of privacy. But he says in the era of Google, Bing, and social networks, "privacy is virtually gone" anyway.

    In a similar vein, Irish start-up Galvanic has come up with Pip, a small, white device that measures skin perspiration - an indicator of stress according to many researchers. (In a similar vein: 비슷한 맥락에서)

    Woman holding Pip gadget and phoneImage copyrightGALVANIC
    Image captionGalvanic's Pip gadget measures stress levels and communicates wirelessly with your phone

    A tiny electric current passed along your skin varies depending on your levels of perspiration. So if Pip detects an increase in sweaty-palmed stress levels, you can connect it wirelessly to your smartphone and play a short game. To win, you have to relax.

    The idea is that by learning to relax, you'll be able to do so more quickly in future.

    Biofeedback devices like these give people "a window into their physical response to stress, helping them learn to control it," says Ian Robertson, professor of psychology at Trinity College Dublin and chair of Pip's scientific advisory board.

    All in the mind

    In the US, "mindfulness" is all the rage as a way of coping with our stressful digital world.

    Google, Target, and the Marine Corps have all recently introduced meditation sessions in the workplace. Insurer Aetna found that just an hour a week of such activity reduced employees' stress levels by a third - and their healthcare costs by $2,000 (£1,400) a year.

    Calm.com's Michael Acton Smith (left) with actor Richard E GrantImage copyrightCALM.COM
    Image captionCalm.com's Michael Acton Smith (left) with actor Richard E Grant recording an audio book

    And the technology causing us all this "always on" grief - the smartphone - can be used effectively to deliver such courses, says Michael Acton Smith, co-founder of Calm.com, a meditation course provider.

    "The irony wasn't lost on us," he says.

    The man behind the Moshi Monsters kids game says his seven-day mindfulness course, created with San Francisco-based practitioner, Tamara Levitt, now has five million users.

    He hopes we'll use our smartphones in queues or on public transport to practise breathing and concentration techniques, rather than checking emails and social media.

    Perhaps we just have to learn to switch the damned things off.

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