
(남미) 콜롬비아 의회 자주 무단결석 하는 의원들의 봉급 깎는 법안 발의

밝은하늘孤舟獨釣 2016. 6. 17. 14:18

출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-36546686

** 기사에 대한 소감 **

1. 출석하지 않는 의원은 봉급을 깎겠다는 콜롬비아 의회의 법안은 한국도 필요하다. 오죽했으면 이런 법안을 상정하고 통과시켰을까?

2. 한 국가의 법을 제정한다는 사람들이 국민들에게 모범은 못 보여줄망정 주로 나쁜 모범들만 보여주는 한국의회의 현실을 생각하게 한다.

Colombia bill aims to tackle politicians' absenteeism 의원들의 잦은 무단결석에 제동을 걸겠다는 콜롬비아 법안

General view during the installation of the new Congress (2014-2018) at the Capitol in Bogota, Colombia, on July 20, 2014.

Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionAbsenteeism is rife in Colombia's Congress

A bill aiming to punish absenteeism in Colombia's Congress has passed a key first stage, two days after a debate on it was cancelled because not enough lawmakers were present.

The bill proposes cutting the salaries of lawmakers who fail to attend congressional sessions.

The measures had been due to be discussed on Tuesday, but absences meant there was no quorum. (quorum: 정족수)

The bill will now go to the wider assembly. 아직 최종적으로 통과된 건 아님.

The Senator who proposed the bill, Alfredo Rangel, said: "This bill is not against members of Congress, it's for the good of Congress, against absenteeism and in favour of its legitimacy and efficiency." 이 법안의 목적.

As well as penalising absent lawmakers, the bill proposes that members of Congress produce a doctor's note if they miss sessions because of sickness.

If the bill is passed, repeat offenders who miss six or more sessions without a valid reason will be stripped of their mandate. 정당사유 없이 최소 6회 이상 무단결석 하는 의원은 권한일부가 제한됨.

Absenteeism is a serious problem among Colombia's politicians, with bills often failing because they are not discussed in the allotted time-frame because of a lack of quorum. 이 법안이 등장하게 된 계기: 의원들의 잦은 무단 결석.