
(미국) 필라델피아市 비만을 잡기위해 '소다稅' 도입키로

밝은하늘孤舟獨釣 2016. 6. 21. 01:01

출처; http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36553964

** 기사 요약 및 소감 **

1. 탄산음료에 추가부담금(levy)를 매기겠다는 필라델피아市와 이에 반대하는 음료산업계의 싸움에서 전자가 승리함. 후자는 승리를 가져오기 위한 캠패인에 수백만 달러를 사용했으나 패배함.

2. 추가부담금을 매기는 명분은 150만 필라델피아 시민들의 건강을 증진하는 것임.

3. 반대측은 추가부담금은 소상공인들과 가난한 사람들에게 타격을 줄 것이므로 반대함.

4. 필라델피아市는 미국 최초로 소위 '소다稅'를 시행하는 도시가 됨.

5. '소다稅'는 내년 1월부터 발효.

6. 내년 한 해 900만불을 거둬들일 것으로 예상.

7. 거둬들인 재원의 사용처는 영아원들, 지역 학교들, 레이크레이션 센터들.

8. 온스당 1.5 센트

9. 미국내 30개가 넘는 州에서 '소다稅' 도입에 실패했으나, 유일하게 유사한 세금이 캘리포니아州 버클리市에서 부과됨.

10. 필라델피아市의 경우, 성인 68% 그리고 아동 41%가 과체중이거나 비만임.

11. 한국의 경우, 담배세 인상이 국민의 건강을 위한 조치였다고 했는데, 과연 그런지... 늘 뭔가를 시행할 때 그럴사한 핑계를 늘어놓으며 서민들을 기만하곤 하지....

Philadelphia to bring in 'soda tax' to fight obesity 필라델피아市 비만을 잡기 위해 '소다稅' 도입키로

Six woman standing at the back of the chamber cheer, holding signs that say "our kids are worth it"

Image copyrightAP
Image captionSupporters of the tax cheered in the council chamber when the bill was passed

Philadelphia has introduced a levy on carbonated sugary drinks, despite a multimillion-dollar campaign by the beverage industry to block it. (levy: 세금의 추가부담금) 탄산음료에 추가부담금을 매기겠다는 측(필라델피아市)고 이를 저지하려는 측(음료회사들)의 대결에서 전자의 승리. 

It will become the first major US city to implement a so-called "soda tax", which supporters say will improve the health of 1.5 million residents.

But opponents say it will hurt small businesses and poorer people.

The measure will come into force in January and is expected to raise $90m (£63m) next year.

The city's Democratic mayor, Jim Kenney, says the tax revenue will be spent on pre-nursery and community schools, and recreation centres. (pre-nursery: 영아원)

He said: "Philadelphia made a historic investment in our neighbourhoods and in our education system today."

Jim Kenney speaking at a podiumImage copyrightAP
Image captionPhiladelphia's mayor, Jim Kenney, told reporters the tax was a "historic investment"

The tax will be set at 1.5 cents per ounce (about 50 cents, or 35 pence per litre). Distributors will be required to pay it on all sugary or artificially sweetened drinks, and may choose whether or not to pass it on to consumers. (ounce: OZ 28.35그램, 1oz=0.03L) (cent: 100분의 1 달러) (1L=33.8oz)(pence: penny의 복수)

"Soda tax" proposals have failed in more than 30 states and the only other city in the US with a similar tax is Berkeley in California.

The beverage industry paid for advertising against the tax proposal, saying the tax would be costly to consumers. 음료업계의 광고: 세금이 소비자에게 비쌀 것이다.

Multimillionaire Harold Honickman, who made his fortune in the soft drink bottling industry, spent an estimated $1.7m (£1.2m) fighting the tax and said he would file a lawsuit against the case.

In Philadelphia, more than 68% of adults and 41% of children are overweight or obese. 과체중이거나 비만임.

The council had already approved the measure in a previous vote, and Thursday's 13-4 vote rubber-stamped the proposal.

Women wearing 'no soda tax' T-shirts walk down the stairs looking glumImage copyrightAP
Image captionOpponents of the tax left the council meeting disappointed