- 22 June 2016
- Health
(건강) 입덧(완화)에 도움 되는 생강과 허리 지압아름다운 인생/건강 2016. 6. 24. 19:46
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-36586665
Ginger and acupressure 'options for morning sickness' 입덧(완화)에 도움 되는 생강과 지압 (acupressure: 지압)
Taking ginger or using acupressure on the wrist may help some women with mild morning sickness, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) says. 생강을 복용하고 허리를 지압해주는 것이 경미한 입덧을 하는 일부 여성들한테 도움이 될 수 있다. (obstetrician [|ɑ:bstə|trɪʃn]: 産科전문의) (gynaecologist[|gaɪnə|kɑ:lədƷɪst]:부인과전문의)
Its guidance suggests these therapies could offer alternatives to women who want to avoid medication. 이런 방법은 약물복용을 달가워 하지 않는 여성들에게 대안이 될 수 있다.
But it says anti-sickness drugs and hospital treatment are important in more severe cases. 그러나 입덧이 심한 경우는 항입덧약이나 병원의 처방이 중요하다.
The recommendations are in line with advice from NHS watchdog NICE.
Nausea and vomiting affects about 80% of pregnant women. 메스꺼움과 구토 증세는 임신 여성 80%가 경험하는 증상.
'Lack of understanding'
For many, it disappears within the first four months - though symptoms are not confined to the morning hours as its commonly used name suggests.
In its first guidance on the issue, the RCOG says treatment can vary around the UK and there is an occasional lack of understanding of the condition's severity.
Its guidelines weigh up the evidence for a range of treatments - including complementary therapies - and set out specific options depending on how severe the condition is.
Anti-sickness drugs can help in the many cases, it says.
And some women may need day visits to hospitals or longer admissions for fluids and medication.
Ginger biscuits
Meanwhile, for women with mild or moderate symptoms who do not want to use drugs, acupressure (wearing a special bracelet that applies pressure) may help.
The guidance also mentions studies showing that ginger can provide some relief - including one study using ginger biscuits.
But NHS Choices warns that as ginger products are not licensed for medical use in the UK, supplements should be bought only from reputable sources.
And anyone still experiencing problems should seek medical advice.
Meanwhile, the RCOG says hypnosis is not recommended as there is not enough evidence to establish whether it is effective. (hypnosis: 최면)
For women with more difficult symptoms, including a very severe form, known as hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), specialist treatment, including hospital admission and mental health support, should be offered, it suggests.
Caitlin Dean, who chairs the Pregnancy Sickness Support charity and had HG in three pregnancies, said: on top of the nausea and vomiting (this could be up to 30 times a day), I had a pounding headache, incredibly heightened sense of smell and excessive saliva.
"My days would be spent lying in bed with a quiet audio-book as I couldn't read or watch TV because it all made me sick.
"I soon became very dehydrated and was admitted to hospital at eight weeks pregnant.
"I was housebound for most of the pregnancy, which made me feel incredibly lonely." (housebound: 형용사로 병이나 노령으로 바깥출입 못하는, 명사로 그런 사람)
Dr Manjeet Shehmar, lead author of the guidelines, said many women with persistent symptoms were not receiving the treatment they needed.
"Women with persistent nausea can often feel that there is a lack of understanding of their condition," she said.
"They may be unable to eat healthily, have to take time off work and feel a sense of grief or loss for what they perceive to be a normal pregnancy.
"It is therefore vital that women with this condition are given the right information and support and are made aware of the therapeutic and alternative therapies available to help them cope."
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