360°panorama video: world's largest radio telescope
게시일: 2016. 6. 30.
The world's largest radio telescope has had 99.8% of the panels installed on its giant reflector by Thursday. Final installation is expected to be completed on Sunday. This VR video clip takes you to the bottom of the dish, nearly as big as 30 football fields, to explore the amazing project in southwest China's Guizhou.
China fits final piece on world's largest radio telescope 중국이 시도하는 세계최대 전파망원경 거의 완성 단계
China has fitted the final piece on what will be the world's largest radio telescope, due to begin operations in September, state media report. 중국이 시도하는 세계최대의 전파망원경 프로젝트(한화로 2천억원이 투입됨)는 9월 작동 예정으로 지금 거의 완성 단계.
The 500m-wide Aperture Spherical Telescope, or FAST, is the size of 30 football fields. (1) 이 망원경의 규모: 500미터로 축구장 30개와 맞먹는 사이즈. (aperture: 카메라의 조리개. spherical: 구형의, 원형의.) (aperture spherical telescope: 조리개가 원형인 망원경)
The $180m (£135m) satellite project will be used to explore space and help look for extraterrestrial life, Xinhua news agency reported. (2) 이 망원경의 목적: 우주 관측과 외계생명 탐색.
Advancing China's space program remains a key priority for Beijing. 중국의 우주개발 프로그램은 정부당국의 핵심사업. (밝은 하늘: 이런 부분을 접하면, 한국정부는 대체 뭐하나 하는 생각이 들어 자괴감이 든다.)
Scientists are now due to start debugging and trials of the telescope, Zheng Xiaonian, deputy head of the National Astronomical Observation under the Chinese Academy of Sciences told Xinhua. (debug: 디버그하다, 오류를 찾아 제거하다)
FAST will replace the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, which is around 300m in diameter, as the world's largest telescope. 이번 망원경이 완성되면, 그 동안 세계최대 망원경이던 푸에르토리코의 아레시보 관측소를 앞지르게 됨.
Image copyrightAPImage captionScientists are now due to start debugging and trials of the telescope, which took about five years to build
China has stated that its space program has peaceful purposes, but the US Defense Department has said it was pursuing activities aimed to "prevent adversaries from using space-based assets in a crisis," reported news agency Reuters. 중국의 입장: 우주 프로그램은 평화적 목적. 미국의 입장: 적국이 우주기지에 있는 자산(무기들)을 사용하지 못하게 무력화 하는 것.
Beijing is due to launch a "core module" for its first space station in 2018.