
  • (건강) 덴마크의 임신촉진치료 대부분 성공
    아름다운 인생/건강 2016. 7. 8. 11:50

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-36662600

    Fertility treatment 'works for most' 임신촉진치료 대부분 성공 (fertility treatment: 임신촉진치료)

    • 5 July 2016
    • From the sectionHealth

    BabyImage copyrightTHINKSTOCK

    Nearly three out of four couples that begin fertility treatment will eventually become parents, long-term studies suggest.

    The analysis of nearly 20,000 Danish couples found 65% had children within three years and 71% within five years.

    Doctors, presenting their data at a fertility conference, said the odds were heavily influenced by age. (odds: 가능성)

    But experts said the findings were very encouraging for couples struggling to have babies.

    There is strong evidence that about one in three cycles of IVF is successful in women under the age of 35.

    But what happens in the long run, when some couples try over and over again, others give up and some have problems that cannot be treated, has been uncertain.

    Researchers at the Copenhagen University Hospital used rigorous registry records in Denmark to follow 19,884 women from the moment they started fertility treatment.

    The results, presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, showed that more than half had given birth within two years, rising to 71% after five years.

    For women under 35, 80% had children within five years. But the figure fell to 61% in those between 35 and 40 years old; and fell again to 26% in women over 40.

    'Very good chance'

    Dr Sara Malchau, one of the researchers, told the BBC News website: "There is a very good chance of having a child, even if you have difficulties conceiving on your own.

    "Most causes of infertility can be overcome, but age is the most important factor to predict if treatments are going to be successful or not. 대부분의 불임은 극복이 가능하다는 희망적인 메세지이지만, 나이가 중요한 요소로 작용한다.

    "Also women with a body mass index under 30 had better outcomes as well as women who didn't smoke." 체질량지수 30미만인 여성과 비흡연 여성들이 좋은 결과를 보였다는 점도 간과할 수 없는 부분이다.

    The study also found that nearly a fifth of the women under 35 ended up conceiving  as a result of sex - despite having sought fertility treatment.

    However, Dr Malchau cautioned Denmark prioritised fertility treatments that made it easier for women to keep trying. Many other countries are less generous.

    Common causes of infertility 불임의 원인

    Women: 8가지

    • damage to the fallopian tubes (1) 수란관나팔관의 손상
    • ovulatory problems (2) 배란의 문제
    • endometriosis (3) 자궁내막증
    • age (4) 나이
    • polycystic ovary syndrome (5) 다낭성난소증후군
    • diabetes (6) 당뇨
    • being overweight or underweight (7) 과체중과 저체중
    • smoking (8) 흡연

    Men: 5가지

    • low sperm count (1) 적은 정자수
    • problems with the tubes carrying sperm (2) 정자를 실어나르는 요도관의 문제
    • problems getting an erection or ejaculating (3) 발기와 사정의 문제
    • diabetes (4) 당뇨
    • being overweight (5) 과체중

    Source: HFEA

    Prof Nick Macklon, from the University of Southampton, said: "It really does provide some encouraging news for those who are about to embark on the journey of fertility treatment - the chance of having a baby is good.

    "There will always be individual factors that affect an individual's prognosis, but overall it shows us fertility treatments are working.

    "There's been a lot of debate about whether women should be having their children earlier, most of the people in my field would be of the view that if you can start earlier then your chances of completing the family you desire is going to be much higher."

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