
  • (아시아) 남북한 체조선수 올림픽 기념셀카 찍다
    국제문제/아시아 2016. 8. 10. 11:48

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37018914

    North and South Korean gymnasts pose for Olympic selfie 남북한 체조선수 올림픽 기념셀카 찍다 (gymnast: 체조선수) (pose for: ~를 위해 포즈를 취하다) (selfie: 셀카. 셀카를 찍다)

    • 9 August 2016
    • From the sectionAsia

    All smiles: This photo has been hailed as representing the spirit of the Games 두 사람다 미소를 짓다: 이 사진은 올림픽의 정신을 잘 보여주는 장면으로 칭송받고 있다

    North and South Korea gymnasts at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games have shown the world a brief moment of unity, in the form of a selfie. 이번 올림픽에서 남북한 두 체조선수들이 전세계에 셀카를 찍는 모습을 통해 일치하는 장면을 보여주고 있다.

    Lee Eun-ju of South Korea and Hong Un-jong of the North took a quick smiling snapshot during the training period before the start of the Games. 남한의 이은주 선수와 북한의 홍은종 선수는 올림픽 개막에 앞서 훈련하는 동안 셀카를 찍었다.

    The pictures of the two women have been widely praised as capturing the Olympic spirit. 두 아가씨들의 사진은 올림픽 정신을 잘 보여주는 장면으로 널리 칭송 받고 있다.

    North and South Korea are technically still at war with each other. 남한과 북한은 정확히 표현하면 서로 전시상태다.

    And relations between the two have been more tense in recent months, with recent missile launches from Pyongyang. 남북관계는 최근 몇 달 북한이 미사일 발사를 하면서 더욱 경색되었다.

    South KoreaImage copyrightAP
    Image captionThe athletes met during the artistic gymnastics women's qualification round at the 2016 Summer Olympics 이번 올림픽에서 두 남북한 선수들이 기계체조 여성부 예선에서 만났다.
    South KoreaImage copyrightAP
    Image captionBoth athletes failed to claim the championship in their round, but certainly took home the gold for diplomacy 두 선수는 예선전에서 좋은 성적을 거두지 못했으나, 분명히 외교상의 금메달을 따서 귀국했을 것이다.

    The most iconic photo of the Games? 이번 올림픽의 정신을 가장 잘 보여주는 사진이라구?

    "This is why we do the Olympics," tweeted political scientist Ian Bremmer. His tweet was retweeted more than 18,000 times.

    "Sports brings everyone together," said another user on Twitter.

    Others hailed it as the "most iconic photo" of the games.

    Some users however, took a more cynical point of view.

    "Is she allowed to fraternise with the enemy?" was one such question asked, while others questioned whether Hong might face punishment on her return home.

    Lee, 17, and 27-year-old Hong both competed as individual qualifiers, with the games in Brazil being Lee's first Olympics.

    Lee Eun Ju (KOR) of South Korea competes on the floor during the womenImage copyrightREUTERS
    Image captionThe Summer Olympics were 17-year-old Lee's first-ever Games
    North KoreaImage copyrightAP
    Image captionThe North Korean was more of a veteran, having been the first gymnast from her country to win a medal in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing

    Hong became North Korea's first gymnast to win a medal at the Olympic Games when she took home the gold in vault in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

    Many users were quick to point out the contrasting attitudes portrayed by the South and North Korean athlete in comparison to the Lebanese Olympic Team, who allegedly refused to ride on the same bus with Israeli athletes.

    According to Udi Gal, a member of Israel's Olympic sailing team, the organisers intervened and the two teams travelled separately to "prevent an international and physical incident", he said in a post on Facebook.

    "How could they let this happen on the eve of the Olympic Games? Isn't this the opposite of what the Olympics represents?" he added.

    Lebanon and Israel are officially at war and have no diplomatic relations.

    However, they weren't the only two countries to get off to a rocky start.

    Italy's Gabriele Detti, Australia's Mack Horton and China's Yang SunImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
    Image captionChina demanded an apology from Australia for the comments made by Mack Horton

    Chinese authorities clashed with Australian Olympic gold medallist Mack Horton, after he called Chinese defending champion Sun Yang a "drug cheat".

    "We think his inappropriate words greatly hurt the feelings between Chinese and Australian swimmers," said China's swimming team manager Xu Qi to Chinese news outlet Xinhua. "We strongly demand an apology."

    Users on social media also quickly flooded Horton's social media with angry comments.

    "Horton is a loser because of his bad behaviour. Maybe he won gold in the game but he will never win in life," said one person on Twitter.

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