
  • (비지니스) 요즘 명품백은 전당포에서 가장 인기좋은 담보물
    아름다운 인생/비지니스 2016. 8. 29. 21:49

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-37195714

    Addicted to pawn: Why designer handbags are the new gold (designer handbags: 명품백)

    Celebrities like Kim Kardashian help to boost the value of designer bags 킴 카르다시안 같은 명사들이 명품백의 가치를 제고하는데 기여하고 있다

    "It's a Chanel day bag - a timeless classic. If you had 50 in the shop, you'd sell all 50," says Nathan Finch, managing director of Pickwick pawnbrokers. 샤넬 백이 가게에 50개 있으면, 다 팔 수 있다. (timeless: 시간이 흘러도 변치 않는, 영원한)

    We are in the strongroom of his shop in north London, where he is showing off some of the hundreds of bags that customers pledge each year, in return for borrowing money. 우리는 그의 가게 내 귀중품 보관실에 있다. 여기서 그는 돈을 빌리기 위해 전당 잡힌 수백개의  명품 핸드백 일부를 보여주고 있다. (strongroom: 은행 등의 귀중품 보관실)

    Once it was mostly watches, gold or jewellery that people took to pawnbrokers. Now, designer handbags are the big growth area. 예전에는 전당포 주인에게 맡기는 물건이 시계나 금이나 보석류였다. 그러나 이제는 명품백이 대세다.

    They are increasingly high in value - often worth thousands of pounds each, they are easily portable, and there is a seemingly limitless supply. 명품 핸드백은 그 가치가 점점 높아지고 있다. 흔히 하나 당 수 천 파운드를 호가하는데다, 쉽게 갖고 다닐 수 있으며, ...  

    "For some women, it's a bit of an addiction. They get their fix from buying a bag. But like most cravings, it comes again," says Mr Finch. 일부 여성들에게 일종의 중독이다. 한 번의 구매에서 (마약 한 번 복용하듯) 욕망을 충족하고 나면, 다시 욕망이 생겨 또 다시 (명품백 사러 매장에) 찾아온다.

    The Birkin, by Hermes, is one bag that is easy to pawn as it holds its value

    one customer brought 18 bags into our Dartford store." 우리 가게에서 명품백을 무려 18개나 산 사람도 있다.

    Private jets 개인 비행기를 타고 휴가를 가고 싶어 전당포에 명품백 맡긴 사람도 있다

    With celebrity endorsements from the likes of Cara Delevingne and Kim Kardashian, bags offer plenty of glamour. 카라 델레비녜와 킴 카르다시안 같은 유명인사의 인정을 받았기 때문에, 이런 핸드백들은 종종 많은 화려함을 선사한다. (glamour: 부와 신분이 주는 화려함이나 매력)

    But on a more practical level, you can use them to borrow cold, hard cash. 그러나 실제로는 현금을 빌리기 위해 이 핸드백들을 써먹는다.

    Yet some of those who pledge their bags are already extremely well off. 그럼에도 자신의 핸드백을 전당포에 맡기는 사람들은 이미 굉장히 잘사는 사람들이다.

    Debbie Wynter, who runs the pawnbrokers Suttons and Robertsons in central London, calls them "the ladies who lunch".전당포 주인 데비 윈터는 이런 사람들을 "점심을 먹는 여자들"이라고 말한다. 

    one customer wanted to raise a loan so they could go on holiday on a private jet, in style," she says. 한 고객은 개인 비행기로 휴가를 떠나기 위해 돈이 필요해 가방을 전당포에 맡겼다고 한다.

    Model Cara Delevingne has promoted the British label Mulberry

    They may live in flashy houses in South Kensington, but sometimes they don't have access to ready cash. 이런 사람들은 사우스 켄싱톤에 호화로운 집에서 살겠지만, 현금이 없을 수 있다.(flashy: 호화로운)

    However, often they are ordinary working women. 그렇지만 이런 사람들 중에는 평범한 직장여성들도 있다.

    'Borrowing from myself'

    Kim Baker, an office administrator from Kent, has three or four designer bags, which she regularly pawns at her local shop.

    Her favourites are a Mulberry Bayswater, a Louis Vuitton Postman, and a Chanel clutch bag.

    "I flip between the Mulberry and the Louis Vuitton because I don't like to part with the Chanel. They probably go in every couple of months, but they're never in there for long."

    On occasion, she's been tempted to pledge one bag so that she can afford to buy a different one. 다른 명품백을 사고 싶은데 돈이 없어 이미 가지고 있던 명품백 하나를 저당 잡히고 싶은 유혹을 느꼈다. (pledge: 저당 잡히다) 

    "Yes, I would pawn one to buy another one. It'll just come home until I put it in again." (pawn: 저당 잡히다)

    She typically borrows a couple of hundred pounds at a time, to pay for holidays or school uniforms. And she prefers to take a loan from a pawnbroker rather than a payday lender or friends. 그녀는 휴가나 교복에 필요한 돈을 마련하기 위해 한번에 수 천 파운드의 돈을 빌린다. 대부업체나 고리대금업자 혹은 친구들이 아닌 전당포 주인에게서 대출을 받는다.

    "Because it's my item, it feels like I am borrowing from myself, if that makes sense." 왜냐하면 혹여 말이 된다면, 이건 제 자신에게서 돈을 빌리는 것처럼 느껴지는데다, 이 물건은 제 물건이니까요. 

    World record price 세계최고가

    The bags that hold their value best - and therefore are the easiest to pawn - are the classic designs by Hermes, Louis Vuitton and Chanel. 핸드백들은 최고의 가치를 지니고 있다 그래서 전당포에 맡기기에 최고로 좋다. 이런 핸드백들은 헤르메스, 루이뷔똥, 샤넬社가 제작한 것들이다.

    Two of the most valuable are the Birkin - named after actress Jane Birkin - or the Kelly, as carried by Grace Kelly in one of her classic films.

    This handbag was sold for a hefty six-figure sum

    These are normally worth up to £6,000 each, but one exotic Birkin in pink crocodile skin is currently for sale on a French website for £167,000. 지금 현재 세계최고가 핸드백 167,000 파운드(1억 8천에서 2억원 상당)

    Admittedly it uses pink sapphires to fasten it, and white gold for the lock. 인정하건데, 이 비르킨은 핑크색 사파이어를 사용하여 핸드백을 닫고 백금을 사용하여 잠근다.

    "There are certainly pieces that make sense at that level," says Matthew Rubinger, the head of handbags for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, at Christies in Hong Kong.

    "What's really interesting is that we are just starting to see these trends, as people move up from being casual buyers to collectors."

    Last year Christies sold a pink Birkin with diamonds in it for £168,000, and three months ago they sold another (pictured above) for £227,000 - a world record price.

    However, Mr Rubinger advises people not to invest in exotic designer bags unless they really know what they're doing.

    "I wouldn't recommend anyone to empty their savings account."

    How does pawnbroking work? 전당포는 어떻게 일하는가?

    • Customer "pledges" an item, such as a gold ring, for up to six months 고객이 금반지 같은 아이템을 최대 6개월 동안 전당포에 맡긴다.
    • Pawnbroker gives 50-60% of the item's value as a cash loan 전당포 주인은 그 아이템의 가치의 50-60%를 현금대부 해준다
    • Customer pays 7-8% interest every month 고객은 매달 7-8%의 이자를 지불한다
    • If the customer cannot repay the loan after six months, the pawnbroker sells the item, and returns any surplus to the customer 고객이 6개월이 지나도 갚지 못하면, 전당포 주인은 고객이 맡긴 아이템을 팔아서 남는 돈은 고객에게 돌려준다

    More information is available from the National Pawnbrokers Association


    The trend to pawning designer bags is not confined to the big cities.

    Larry Kohen, who runs three pawnbrokers in Cornwall, says it is becoming a regular habit amongst some of his clients.

    one week we had a Goyard in. We also had a couple of Hermes bags in as well. They're stupid money," he tells the BBC.

    "Sometimes there's a sad reason. We had a lady, a second home owner, who couldn't afford the mortgage. She brought bags and jewellery into us."

    Sometimes women will pawn bags they have been given, which they don't like.

    Myint Myint Thein has a collection of up to 20 designer bags

    The fact they are fashion items also boosts turnover.

    "Sometimes we buy a design, but it gets to two years old and we don't want to wear it any more," says Myint Myint Thein, an avid bag collector who also manages the Pickwick store in north London.

    "At some restaurants or clubs, when we go, we need to wear Chanel, Dior or Gucci.

    I've got 15 to 20 bags, but I don't think it's beyond what I need - every occasion is different."

    Typical costs of borrowing £400 for a month 한 달에 400파운드를 빌리는 경우

    • Arranged bank overdraft: £12 이미 준비된 당좌차월 12파운드
    • Pawnbroker: £32 전당포 주인 32파운드
    • Unarranged overdraft: Up to £90 준비 안된 당좌차월 최대 90파운드
    • Payday lender: £96 고금리 단기대출자 96파운드

    Pawnbrokers offer "secured" loans, which are less risky, and therefore cheaper, than unsecured lending. Nevertheless, the industry advises against using such loans as a long-term form of borrowing.

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