
(미국) 작년도 미국 평균 가계소득 5.2%로 최고속 증가

밝은하늘孤舟獨釣 2016. 9. 16. 18:27

출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37345443

'Fastest ever' leap in US household incomes 

Car showroomImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES

Average American incomes rose by 5.2% in 2015, in the fastest increase ever recorded by the federal government.

The annual report from the Census Bureau also found that the poverty rate fell for all racial groups, in the steepest decline found since 1968. (steep: 급격한)

Low income workers received the largest boost, bringing median income levels back to before the recession. (recession: 불경기, 불황, 후퇴, 반환)

This was the first recorded rise in American household incomes in eight years - or since the Obama presidency.

Figures for Americans who lack healthcare also dropped, as did the poverty rate.

In 2015 there were 43.1 million Americans living in poverty, 3.5 million fewer than in 2014. 미국의 2015년도 빈곤층은 4,310만명, 2014년도보다 350만명이 감소한 수치. (밝은 하늘: 거의 남한 인구만큼의 미국인구가 빈곤층이라는 뜻임.) 

Angry US middle classes feel the squeeze

The 40-year hurt

Real median household income was $56,500 (£42,900) in 2015, the Census Bureau reported, up from $53,700 (£40,700) the year before. 미국의 2015년도 실제 중간 가계소득은 56,500 달러임. 이 수치는 전년도 53,700달러에서 증가한 수치임. (median: 중간값)

About 2.4 million more Americans have found full-time year-round work in 2015, according to Census officials.

But median incomes only rose for workers in US cities, and not for rural or farm workers. 중간 가계소득의 증가는 농촌이나 농장 근로자들이 아니라 도시 근로자들에게 해당됨.

Farm worker in North CarolinaImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionFarm workers have nothing to celebrate with incomes failing to rise

There is still a large disparity between white and black workers' incomes.

The median household income for black Americans in 2015 was $36,898 (£28,000). The median household income for white Americans was $63,000 (£47,770). 2015년도 흑인의 중간가계소득은 36,898 달러이지만, 백인의 중간가계소득은 63,000 달러임. (밝은 하늘: 백인과 흑인의 중간가계소득의 큰 차이는 흑백인종간의 소득불평등을 의미하며 더나가서 미국내 흑백인종간의 불평등을 시사하는 게 아닐까?)

Income inequality has been a major issue throughout the 2016 campaign.

Hillary Clinton has promised equal opportunities to all American workers, while Donald Trump says he will be the "the greatest jobs producing president that God ever created".