
  • (중동) 카타르 사태: 외교갈등
    국제문제/중동 2017. 6. 10. 16:00

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-40200927

    Qatar crisis: The deep diplomatic tensions behind the row

    Sometimes the recipe for a dispute says "leave to simmer". This one has been simmering for years. But then suddenly some of the cooks increase the heat substantially and dispute boils over into full-blown crisis. 때때로 논란(논쟁)을 다루는 법은 "충분히 끓게 내버려두라"이다. 이 논란의 문제는 수년간 끓어오고 있다. 그런데 어느 순간 갑자기 이 문제를 요리하는 사람들 가운데 몇 사람이 갑자기 온도를 팍 올리자, 이 논란의 문제는 완전히 무르익은 위기 위로 끓어오르고 있다. (dispute: 논란, 논쟁) (leave to simmer: 계속 끓게 내버려두라. simmer: 끓다, 끓이다.) (substantially: 상당히, 많이) (full-blown: 충분히 무르익은, 만개한)

    The underlying tensions between Qatar and three of her Gulf neighbours in particular have been visible for two decades. This is a region largely of absolute monarchs - kings or emirs - who have in common a very firm grip on politics at home, to head off any dissent which could represent a threat to their individual regime survival. 카타르와 그 주변 3개 걸프인접국 사이의 긴장은 지난 20년간 가시적이었다. (head off: 막다, 차단하다, 회피하다)

    But the emir of Qatar pursues a series of policies which simply don't fit into the rigid orthodoxy expected by most of the others, notably Saudi Arabia, the superpower of Sunni Islam.

    His unconventional foreign policy is seen as a threat to Sunni solidarity, particularly because the emir and his ministers promote dialogue and a search for good relations with the rival regional superpower, Shia Muslim Iran. 카타르 왕의 외교정책은 순니 이슬람에게 위협으로 느껴짐. 왜냐하면 라이벌인 시아 무슬림인 이란과 대화 및 좋은 관계를 모색하기 때문.

    Saudi Arabia is deeply hostile to that approach and now feels empowered to turn that hostility to action, in the certain knowledge that a new president, Donald Trump, is at Saudi King Salman's side. 사우디는 카타르의 친이란 입장에 거부감. 트럼프는 사우디 왕 살만을 지지하는 입장. 미국은 그 동안 사우디와 친했음. 무기도 팔아먹고 하면서...

    The Qatar-based Al-Jazeera network is at the centre of the row

    논란의 중심에 있는 카타르에 본사를 둔 아랍권 영어 언론 알자지라(Al-Jazeera)

    The core charge laid against Qatar as justification for this week's new and punitive blockade is the country's alleged funding of religious extremists, including the secret arming of some jihadi groups. 카타르에 대한 혐의는 지하드 그룹의 은밀한 무장을 포함하여, 이슬람 극단주의자들에게 돈을 댔다는 혐의. (punitive: 징벌의, 세금이 가혹한) 

    Those are charges rejected by Qatar's government and similar ones have also been levelled in the past at many of those now condemning the country, notably Saudi Arabia. 이런 혐의는 카타르 정부가 부인했다. 비슷한 혐의가 과거에도 제기되었다. (be leveled: 겨눠지다, 제기되다)

    But the single most powerful motive behind the blockade may be a quite different one: the desire to rein in, or even to close down, one of the emir of Qatar's most cherished projects - the global television news channels of Al-Jazeera. 카타르를 제재하는 진짜 이유: 카타르 왕이 엄청 소중히 여기는 프로젝트로 국제적 인지도를 자랑하는 TV뉴스채널에 고삐를 채우거나 묻닫게 만드는 것.

    He sees Al-Jazeera as an agent of positive change across the Arab world, opening up political debate, reporting on the challenges from ordinary people from the street, so evident during the "Arab Spring".

    However odd, even hypocritical it may seem for an absolute monarch in Qatar, a country devoid of elected politicians, to champion the cause of disaffected citizens demanding change elsewhere, that is a large part of what drives this emir, set on what he regards as a path of Middle East modernisation. (devoid of~=without~) (to champion the cause of~: ~의 대의를 옹호/대변~) (disaffected: 불만을 품은)

    His fellow autocrats see things quite differently, in Egypt as well as the Gulf. There, President Sisi drove the Muslim Brotherhood out of elected government and to near oblivion, branding them as intolerable Islamists. (autocrat: 전제군주, 독재자) (oblivion: 의식/자각 못하는 상태)

    Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani met Donald Trump in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in May 2017

    Al-Jazeera was painted as a propagandist for the Brotherhood. That's a portrayal other leaders who have been challenged by the station are happy to endorse, leaving the broadcaster as now another substantial target of the action against Qatar. 알자지라가 미국과 그 추종세력에 우호적인 보도를 쏟아내지 않고 중립적 시각을 유지하니까 이런 면이 미국쪽 세력들에겐 아마 눈에 가시 같았겠지~ 그래서 무슬림 브라더훗의 대변자라는 딱지를 붙였겠지. 한국에서 자신이 불리하면 종북딱지 붙이듯이 말이지~ (propagandist: 선전원) 

    So, how will this crisis end?

    There's no sign of any real progress towards a settlement yet, rather the reverse. The rift seems to be both deeper and wider than it was at the start of the week. (rift: 균열, 틈)

    Deeper because the accusations being thrown about on both sides are becoming harsher. The United Arab Emirates is amplifying the charge that Qatar encourages extremism. 아랍에미레이트 측은 카타르가 무슬림 극단주의를 고무시키고 있다는 혐의를 증폭시키고 있다. (amplify: 증폭시키다)

    Qatar, through its Human Rights Council, is saying Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE together are abusing the human rights of all those caught up in the programme of expulsions and flight bans, separating families for whom the borders between Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) countries have never been closed in this way before.

    Turkey has passed a law allowing for an accelerated deployment of its troops to Qatar

    And it is becoming a wider rift as more and more outside countries weigh in and take sides.

    Several member states of the Arab League have lined up behind the anti-Qatar campaign. Equally, both Turkey and Russia are consolidating their positions as friends to Qatar. 반면에, 터키와 러시아는 카타르를 편들고 있다.

    Turkey passed a law in near record time this week which would allow an accelerated deployment of Turkish troops to Qatar: something already possible but on a longer timeframe. Russia has invited Qatar's embattled foreign minister for talks in Moscow which Qatar hopes to use to maximise support.

    Meanwhile, the emir of Kuwait, playing a customary role as peacemaker within the GCC, faces his toughest task yet, shuttling between the royal courts of Gulf capitals trying to find a way through which somehow curbs Qatar's sovereignty - the demand of others - and does not curb that sovereignty, the insistence of the emir who rules in Doha. (customary: 습관적인, 관습적인, 늘상 해오던 대로) (shuttle between~: ~사이를 왕복~)

    There's no sign yet of any such progress being made. This feels like a crisis which will be maintained at high temperature for some time.

    That alarms much of the outside world, fearing even greater instability in the Middle East, and this time instability in the area they normally rely on for dependable, but certainly not democratic, calm.

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