30 July 2017
- From the sectionAsia
(여성) 모유수유 사진으로 논쟁중심에 선 키르기스스탄 대통령 딸아름다운 인생/여성 2017. 8. 2. 16:57
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-40479231
** 모유수유 사진에 대한 개인적 생각 **
나는 한 여성의 모유수유 하는 사진이 어떻게 야한 사진으로 비칠 수 있는지 정말 의아스럽다. 모유수유 사진을 야한 사진이라고 여기는 사람은 남성보다 오히려 여성이 많지 않을까? 아니면 다행이다. 남성인 내가 볼 때, 모유수유 사진은 정말 아름다운 사진이지, 야한 사진은 결코 아니다. 오히려 평상시 젊은 여성들이 하고 다니는 짧은 옷차림이 남자입장에서 야하고 선정적일 때가 있는데, 여성들은 인정하고 싶지 않을 것이다. 미인대회가 아니라, 여성의 패션과 그 유행이 오히려 여성을 상품화하는 측면이 있는 거 같은데, 그 일등공신이 남성이 아닌 여성들이란 불편한(?) 사실을 여성들은 얼마나 자각하고 사는지 모르겠다.
President's daughter sparks breastfeeding debate with photo 키르기스스탄 대통령 딸 모유수유 사진으로 논쟁을 초래하다
Aliya Shagieva said the row was because the female form had been hyper-sexualised 여성의 모습이 지나치게 성적으로 됐기 때문에 논란이 발생한 거라고 Aliya Shagieva는 말한다
A picture of the Kyrgyz president's youngest daughter feeding her baby dressed in her underwear has sparked a debate about breastfeeding and sexualisation. 속옷을 입은 상태로 아기에게 모유수유를 하는 키르기스스탄 대통령 막내 딸의 사진이 모유 수유와 섹시함에 대한 논쟁을 불러 일으켰다.
Aliya Shagieva posted the photo on social media back in April with the caption: 'I will feed my child whenever and wherever he needs to be fed.' 다음과 같은 제목으로 알리야 샤기에바는 4월에 사진을 소셜 미디어에 올렸다: "나는 언제 어디서든 애기가 필요할 때마다 젖을 줄 것이다."
She took the post down after being accused of immoral behaviour, but in an exclusive interview with the BBC she said the row was a result of a culture which hyper-sexualised the female form. 그녀는 부도덕 한 행동라고 비난을 받자 포스팅을 철회했지만, BBC와의 독점 인터뷰에서, 그녀는 여성의 모습을 지나치게 성적으로 인식한 문화의 결과라고 말했다.
Aliya Shagieva said the row was because the female form had been hyper-sexualised 여성의 모습이 지나치게 성적으로 됐기 때문에 논란이 발생한 거라고 Aliya Shagieva는 말한다
A picture of the Kyrgyz president's youngest daughter feeding her baby dressed in her underwear has sparked a debate about breastfeeding and sexualisation. 속옷을 입은 상태로 아기에게 모유수유를 하는 키르기스스탄 대통령 막내 딸의 사진이 모유 수유와 섹시함에 대한 논쟁을 불러 일으켰다.
Aliya Shagieva posted the photo on social media back in April with the caption: 'I will feed my child whenever and wherever he needs to be fed.' 다음과 같은 제목으로 알리야 샤기에바는 4월에 사진을 소셜 미디어에 올렸다: "나는 언제 어디서든 애기가 필요할 때마다 젖을 줄 것이다."
She took the post down after being accused of immoral behaviour, but in an exclusive interview with the BBC she said the row was a result of a culture which hyper-sexualised the female form. 그녀는 부도덕 한 행동라고 비난을 받자 포스팅을 철회했지만, BBC모습와의 독점 인터뷰에서, 그녀는 여성의 모습을 과하게 성적으로 인식한 문화의 결과라고 말했다.
"This body I've been given is not vulgar. It is functional, its purpose is to fulfil the physiological needs of my baby, not to be sexualised," she told BBC Kyrgyz.
Aliya Shagieva says her child simply needs to eat
It wasn't only some social media users who disapproved. Her parents, President Almazbek Atambayev and his wife Raisa, were also unhappy.
"They really didn't like it. And it is understandable because the younger generation is less conservative than their parents," Ms Shagieva said, speaking at her home on the outskirts of the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek.
Ms Shagieva posts actively on social media, including her own artwork and carefully stylized portraits of herself and her husband and baby, often set against the backdrop of wide open landscapes.
ALIYA SHAGIEVAMany of Ms Shagieva's pictures are set against the backdrop of Kyrgyz landscapes
Breastfeeding is a recurring theme.
"When I'm breastfeeding my child I feel like I'm giving him the best I can give. Taking care of my baby and attending to his needs is more important to me than what people say about me," Ms Shagieva said.
Who is Aliya Shagieva?
Gulnara Kasmambetova, BBC Kyrgyz
I interviewed Aliya Shagieva in her flat in a prestigious quarter of Bishkek which she shares with her husband and child. 나는 그녀의 남편과 아이와 함께 공유하는 비슈 케크의 유명한 분기에 그녀의 아파트에서 Aliya Shagieva를 인터뷰했습니다.
Her drawings and pictures were on the walls and the couple offered fruit and herbal tea. Herbs were growing in pots on the window sills; the couple are vegetarian, a rarity in a traditionally meat-eating country. 그녀의 그림과 그림은 벽에 있었고 부부는 과일과 허브 차를 제공했습니다. 허브는 창틀의 화분에서 자라고있었습니다. 부부는 전통적으로 고기를 먹는 나라에서 드문 채식인입니다.
In the context of a post-Soviet traditional Muslim society, Aliya Shagieva is very bold and very different. She was quite open, sharing her experience of feeling lonely as a child of very busy parents. 소비에트 전 전통 무슬림 사회와 관련하여 Aliya Shagieva는 매우 대담하고 매우 다릅니다. 그녀는 매우 개방적이어서 매우 바쁜 부모의 자녀로서 외로움을 느낀 경험을 나누었습니다.
She spoke of the generation gap and her efforts to understand and find compromise with her parents, not least over her social media activities. "My mum received messages from her 'friends' about me," she said. "Now that I am a mother myself, I know what my mum went through raising me." 그녀는 특히 소셜 미디어 활동을 통해 부모와 이해하고 타협하기위한 세대 차이와 노력에 대해 이야기했습니다. "엄마는 나에 대한 그녀의 '친구'로부터 메시지를 받았다"고 말했다. "이제 어머니가되어서 엄마가 저를 키우신 과정을 알고 있습니다."
Aliya has been active supporting causes such as awareness of children with Downs syndrome and animal rights, but has no obvious political ambitions. Aliya는 다운 증후군 아동 및 동물 권리에 대한 인식과 같은 원인을 적극적으로지지 해 왔지만 정치적 야심은 분명하지 않습니다.
People in Kyrgyzstan have recent memories of the two previous presidents' children getting involved in politics and business - both leaders were ousted. But the incumbent leader has pledged that his children will never meddle in politics. 키르기스스탄 사람들은 정치와 사업에 참여한 두 명의 전직 대통령 자녀들에 대한 최근의 기억을 가지고 있습니다. 두 지도자 모두 추방되었습니다. 그러나 현직 지도자는 그의 자녀들이 결코 정치에 개입하지 않겠다고 약속했다.
ALIYA SHAGIEVAAliya Shagieva is active in photography, painting and drawing
Kyrgyzstan is a mainly Muslim ex-Soviet republic. It is socially conservative but breast feeding in public is acceptable.
Women are seen in parks and other public spaces feeding their babies, but they usually try and cover their breasts with a piece of clothing.
When Ms Shagieva's post first went online some social media users thought there was no need to post a picture of such an intimate moment; others denounced her for not being modest enough.
And her breastfeeding photos attracted attention well beyond Kyrgyzstan - they were republished by newspapers and websites as far away as Europe. Many took to social media to praise her for breaking taboos surrounding women's bodies.
The question of breastfeeding in public is a matter of debate in many countries, including the UK where only three years ago a woman was asked to cover up in the restaurant of London's famous Claridges Hotel while feeding her baby, causing an outcry.
- Claridge's breastfeeding row: Protest by mothers
- Australian politician becomes first to breastfeed in parliament
REUTERSFormer Senator Larissa Waters made history when she breastfed in Australia's parliament in May
When different BBC language services ran the interview with Aliya Shagieva, the resulting online conversation threw a light on different breastfeeding cultures and practices in Muslim countries.
Women writing from Iran shared their experiences about the stress they feel when breastfeeding in public:
"People zoom in on me, I have to either cover myself and the baby or just leave him hungry," one Tehran mother wrote.
Others praised the recently installed mother and baby rooms in Tehran's Metro.
An employee of the Tehran metro sent pictures of mother and baby facilities at stations
An Afghan woman from Kabul, Zarifa Ghafari, shared a story from her own extended family, saying mothers had to go into a separate room to breastfeed:
"She can't do this in front of others. If she did she would face strong reactions from the elder members of the family. It is a big issue but slowly, slowly the culture is changing."
Another Afghan woman, Nageen related a shopping trip with her sister in law.
"We had to buy some gifts just so she could feed her baby in a shop. She sat there and covered herself with a big scarf."
A Turkish Facebook user said, she herself preferred covering up while feeding her baby. "I don't rub it in people's faces. I use a cover. There are many who still sexualize breasts."
Victoria Tahmasebi, a women and gender studies expert at Toronto university tweeted: "From a capitalist view point women's breasts can create profit as long as they are sexualised. Breastfeeding in public makes women's breasts less sexy, therefore it is not acceptable."
As for Aliya Shagieva's picture which caused a stir - she finally took it down because her parents were worried that the attention "could be harmful to her young family". But it hasn't stopped her speaking out, and it hasn't stopped the debate.
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