(아름다운 인생) bbc 기사 - 늦게 찾아온 사랑아름다운 인생/아름다운 삶 2023. 1. 4. 12:17
링크: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64125531
The nun and the monk who fell in love and married
How two devoutly religious lives were transformed by a fleeting encounter in a convent.
링크: https://www.news1.kr/articles/?4914048
24년차 수녀, 처음 본 수사와 옷깃만 스쳤는데 '찌릿'…결국 결혼
사실 앞에 겸손한 민영 종합 뉴스통신사 뉴스1
The nun and the monk who fell in love and married
By Aleem MaqboolReligion editor, BBC NewsTwenty-four years after becoming a nun, it was a brief touch of the sleeve of a monk in the parlour of the convent in Preston, Lancashire, that changed everything for Sister Mary Elizabeth.
The prioress of the order had taken her to meet the friar Robert, who was visiting from a priory in Oxford, to see if he wanted anything to eat. But Sister Mary Elizabeth's superior was called away to take a phone call, so the two were left alone.
"It was our first time in a room together. We sat at a table as he ate, and the prioress didn't come back so I had to let him out."
Sister Mary Elizabeth had lived a devout, austere and mostly silent life as a nun, spending most of her days in her "cell". As she let Robert out of the door, she brushed his sleeve and says she felt something of a jolt.
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