과학과 테크놀로지/환경
(환경) Tropical monsoon climate과학과 테크놀로지/환경 2016. 4. 13. 20:18
출처: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_monsoon_climate Tropical monsoon climateFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaWorldwide zones of tropical monsoon climate (Am).Tropical monsoon climate, occasionally also known as a tropical wet climate or tropical monsoon and trade-wind littoral climate in climate classification, is a relatively rare type of climate that correspon..
(환경) 중국 매년 55억톤의 인공강우 생산과학과 테크놀로지/환경 2016. 4. 12. 17:38
출처: http://qz.com/138141/china-creates-55-billion-tons-of-artificial-rain-a-year-and-it-plans-to-quintuple-that/ RAINMAKING China creates 55 billion tons of artificial rain a year—and it plans to quintuple that 중국 매년 55억톤의 인공강우 생산 앞으로 5배로 늘일 계획 WRITTEN BYGwynn GuilfordOBSESSIONChina's TransitionOctober 22, 2013 One of China..
(환경) 북극 겨울 동안 빙하가 조금식 커지고 있다과학과 테크놀로지/환경 2016. 3. 30. 15:37
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35918082 Arctic winter sees sluggish sea-ice growthBy Jonathan AmosBBC Science Correspondent29 March 2016 From the sectionScience & EnvironmentImage copyrightSPLImage captionSea-ice has a thickness that needs measuring, as well as a surface areaAlthough the extent of winter Arctic sea-ice has been the smallest on record this ..
(환경) 지진이 발생해도 피해를 안 입는 도시를 만들 수 있을까?과학과 테크놀로지/환경 2016. 3. 28. 01:25
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35810317 Can you earthquake-proof a city? 지진이 발생해도 피해를 안 입는 도시를 만들 수 있을까?24 March 2016 From the sectionScience & EnvironmentImage copyrightReutersImage captionAt least 11 people were killed when a 6.4 quake toppled buildings in Tainan, Taiwan in FebruaryAbout a million people have d..
(환경) 유럽의 희귀종 바다새 멸종의 위기에 처하다과학과 테크놀로지/환경 2016. 3. 14. 23:09
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35778655 Europe's rarest seabird 'faces extinction'By Helen BriggsBBC News12 March 2016 From the sectionScience & EnvironmentImage copyrightJoe PenderImage captionThe bird breeds in caves off MallorcaEurope's rarest seabird will be extinct within 60 years, according to a new analysis. Urgent action is needed to stop the Balea..